Saturday, June 18, 2011

Letters to my loves.

Dear Sophia,
I appreciate your firm suggestion demand that Uncle Kebun and I only have one baby. Don't worry, we'll always be your fun auntie and uncle.
Auntie Katie

Dear Peyton,
You're getting so big. I can't resist when you put those little arms up in the air when I walk in the room. Thanks for always being excited to see me.
Auntie Katie

Dear Mom,
Thanks for instilling in me a love for music. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of you cranking it up to do things around the house. Because of you, I will instill that love in my own baby. Music sure does make life more fun.
Your [pregnant] daughter :)

Dear Monster,
People keep saying that you'll become 2nd best when Baby G arrives. Don't worry - we'll never get rid of you and your cute face. Plus there are too many treats left for you to consume. P.S. If you wouldn't mind packing a few boxes while we're at work, that would be much appreciated :)
Your mama

Dear Hubster,
Your cute little shimmy into the kitchen while transporting a packed box made my day. I love your free spirit, even if I am the only one that gets to see it.
Your wifey

Dear Baby G,
Talking about you puts your mama and papa in a good mood. Stay warm in there. We're taking good care of you. Oh, and thanks for working your magic to lighten up on the nausea ;)
Your mama

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