Saturday, July 30, 2011

Pickles & ice cream!?!

Despite what some believe, the cravings are real. They come out of nowhere, like a thief in the night to steal away your mind with one swift move. I never really believed it, until it happened to me.

Do you know what it's like to want a bag of plain full-on-the-fat, full-on-the-grease Lay's potato chips so badly, you can't think of anything else except getting to that bag of sweet-salty goodness? I do. And last night, I gave in to the beast. Honestly, I have never purchased a bag of potato chips in my life. I don't even really like chips, especially plain potato. Tortilla chips and salsa is usually the extent of my chip enjoyment. But when the cravings happen, they really come on full force. And let me tell you, it's... not... pretty. And it doesn't end there. First it's the chips, then it's the instant Kraft mac-n-cheese (I have a 4-pack in my desk at work) or a Twix bar or even a bowl of sliced cantaloupe or scrambled eggs with toast.

You'd think all these cravings, especially the less-than-healthy ones, would be doing damage on my waistline but nothing's changed. I haven't gained one pound yet. I attribute this in part to my inability to eat very much at one sitting and partly to craving mostly healthy foods. {I don't think I've ever eaten so many salads in my life!} Funny thing is, even though the scale hasn't been creeping up, I'm starting to feel like I am smuggling a bowling ball in my abdomen. There's a heaviness that I've never experienced before. Very odd. Makes me feel a little off-balance sometimes (which isn't good for an already-clumsy person) but then I remember it's just the weight of my little girl and all the discomfort seems to melt away. I love being the cocoon where she gets to grow. I keep her safe and warm, even though I can't hold her in my arms yet. I think that's pretty neat.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Popcorn factory

On July 21, I was sitting at my desk at work when I started feeling the wiggles of Baby G! It felt like popcorn popping in my stomach. I knew it was the baby considering I'd never felt that sensation before. It was very exciting and reassuring to know she's moving around in there!! Coworkers said I was wearing a smile the rest of the day.

I still feel her moving around every day, but not very often. I usually only notice it when I'm sitting or laying down. I'm sure the movements are just too light at this point to notice when I'm up on the go. Doc says one day, I won't be able to get her to stop!! :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm growing a GIRL!!!

Yesterday was a big day. Ultrasound attempt #2, we called it. We not only got to see a very in-depth view of the baby we created, we learned that we are having a daughter. A little girl. All sugar, spice and everything nice. We couldn't be more thrilled to be having a girl. I see ribbons and bows, babydolls and Barbies in our future. But I also see soccer balls and mer-babes, gymnastics and swim lessons. Looks like this child is going to be multi-talented :)

The ultrasound was a lot more detailed than I anticipated. We got to see in all 4 chambers of her heart, her brain development, her fingers and toes, every vertebrae in her spine, her diaphragm, her kidneys, bladder and all 4 limbs. No club foot? Check! No extra fingers or toes? Check! The ultrasound tech also took measurements of her head, her body lenth, her spine, her brain, her femur, her humorous and other parts. She currently weighs 11 ounces and is approximately 10 inches long, right on track! It was neat to see our baby girl in such detail. She had fluid in her stomach and her bladder which means her kidneys are working correctly. She's swallowing and urinating as she should be at this stage. We took a close look at her upper lip and her nose to check for a cleft palate and down syndrome. No noticeable signs at this point in her development.

We couldn't see Dr. Johnson after the ultrasound, as she was with another patient (and we'd just seen her the day prior), but she did call later to confirm the good news! Said everything looked great in our ultrasound photos. That, combined with her strong 150 bpm heartbeat, means Baby Girl G's happy and healthy. What a blessing!!

We got a couple ultrasound photos to take home but most are very fuzzy. Plus, she was in a very awkward position during most of the appointment. Basically rolled up in a ball with her knees tucked under her chin or folded in half with her feet clear up over her eye sockets. She likes to sleep and doesn't want to be bothered with flipping over too often. She was very modest and didn't want to reveal her private parts. The ultrasound tech wasn't sure we'd be able to see her gender but she finally flipped at the very end of the hour appointment. Ahh, stubborn, sleepy and yawning constantly...definitely my child :) I will scan and post the photos as soon as I get at a scanner. Until then, just take my word for it...she's a cutie! :) Stubborn, but cute.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Written on Tuesday...

Boy or Girl?
Son or Daughter?
Blue or Pink?
Basketball or Ballet?
XY or XX?

Your guess is as good as mine. Kevin and I headed to our doctor's appointment this morning, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, hoping to learn the fate of our family. Were we going to have a son or a daughter? Finally, the moment had arrived. Until we were greeted with concerned nurses and questions regarding our 20-week ultrasound.

Why hadn't we scheduled it?
Had anyone talked to us about it?
Did we want to find out the gender?

I'm sure we looked just as confused as they did. This was our 20-week ultrasound. Hello! I'm here with a ready-to-burst bladder at 1-day shy of 20 weeks. How could you not read that in my chart? After what seemed like for-ev-er waiting, we learned that the receptionist had never put us on the schedule for our ultrasound. Instead, we were there for a repeat of our 16-week appointment. Yep, it was pretty much pointless. After lots of waiting around, talking with multiple nurses/receptionists, the typical pee-in-a-cup, blood pressure (great), weight (same), listening to the baby's heartbeat (strong and fast) and chatting with our doctor, we were on our way...

No ultrasound today.
We were bummed.
I actually cried.

Granted, I made it into the hallway outside the women's clinic to let the tears fall, but fall they did. Accompanied by some "this isn't fair" and "are you kidding me!?!" comments that I'd rather not relive.

The silver lining? We got to reschedule our appointment for tomorrow (Wednesday) at 8.30am. Lord knows if they would have asked me to wait another whole week, I would have raged. Like my mom said "don't mess with a hormonal pregnant woman that's got to pee!"

Friday, July 22, 2011

The predictions of a 3-year-old

The other night, after a fun and easy dinner with Kevin, Jeff, Lindsi and the girls, I sat down for a conversation with my favorite 3-year-old Sophia. All through dinner she'd mentioned the baby in my tummy, she kept rubbing it, asking when it'd come out and trying to lift up my shirt to actually see the baby. At one point she even said "Daddy, did you know Auntie Katie has a baby in her belly?" Obviously, she's warming up to the idea that a baby is going to arrive shortly. However, when I asked her if she wanted Auntie Katie to have a boy baby or a girl baby, her response never changes. She wants a girl. She said she wants to go shopping with me for things for the girl baby. She wants to hold the girl baby. Her mommy and I explained that two of our friends are having babies and just found out they are expecting boys. So I explained to Sophia that there's a very real chance that I could have a baby boy in my tummy. She thought about it for a minute then got this heartbroken little look on her face, saying "noooo, you have to have a girrrrrl!" She cracks me up. In all reality, I think she'd be happy with either, but baby girls are all she really knows. Heck, that's all our family produces :) I just think it's so adorable that she's so adamant about the gender of a baby that she wasn't so sure about in the first place. Ahhh, kids, they sure are honest!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Stolen {with good intentions}

I believe in choosing words wisely.
I believe in written communication.
I believe in this challenge.

Kelle Hampton, the author of Enjoying the Small Things {}, a blog that I follow religiously, introduced me to the Hallmark Challenge. Well, if you know me, you know I loooooove Hallmark. Like really love it. More than I love Martha Stewart products! Annnd...I love a good challenge. Like the blog author, I am also a firm believer in the beauty of handwritten correspondence. Liz Carpenter says it perfectly:

What a lot we lost when we stopped writing letters.
You can't reread a phone call.

There is just something magical about opening your mailbox to find an unexpected card or letter tucked between the pile of bills and useless commercial advertising. Pure magic is found in holding a letter or card in your hand, knowing that someone cares about you enough to take time out of their life to create something special just for you. It's so much more than just money spent, it's the time spent, it's the thoughts and energy used. It's something they wanted you to know so badly, they just had to jot it down. Something they wanted to put in writing, to be there for eternity.

I think that's why I have lived my life with an obsession with fonts, type and written words. It's a way of communicating that is tangible. In addition to being able to hold a conversation in your hand, it allows you to emotionally connect with another person. Just like the other blog I follow {} , I do believe that:

There are many things that can change a life...a letter is one of them.

So true! So, for the next 9 days, I am going to take this challenge and run with it {9 days instead of 7 because there are 9 days left in the month so it just evens out}. I am going to focus on what I want to say and who I want to say it to. There are many people in my life that deserve to hear an encouraging word or a congratulations of some sort. Many others that need to hear that I'm always going to be here, no matter where the road leads, and those that would be delighted with a "hello" or an "I love you forever." Words have an impact, I truly believe that. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to thoughtfully pick 9 different people that I feel would benefit from this challenge. That's 9 cards or 9 letters, 9 stamps, 9 envelopes, 9 addresses and 9 ways for me to encourage somebody else. Pretty beautiful, isn't it? And the best part of this challenge is....I think it will have more of an impact than I expect.

My little researcher.

Consumer reports were created for people like my husband. People that really consider where their money is going and whether it's money well spent. We didn't dare leave Babies R Us last night without that list they give to new parents about what to register for. Of course, the size 10 font, 2-page list is extensive and most of it isn't really a need, more like a want. However, he was bound and determined to get said list. Not to just browse over or to mentally prepare. Oh no, he wants to look up all the items that we'll register for next Sunday and research the products ahead of time. Which ones are worth the money? What to skimp on and what to splurge on. What brands will last and what products will break within a month. I'm so thankful he's willing to put in the research time because I certainly wasn't going to do it. I'm too busy growing a child annndddd....trying to avoid stretch marks. {Seriously considering taking up stock in Palmer's Cocoa Tummy Butter}.

This whole process has revealed that Kevin and I really are the perfect match. He is always thinking one step ahead of me, something that I am very appreciative of. We like and dislike the same names, the same products, the same prints, the same colors, the same types of baby clothes, the same types of bottles and binky's. In fact, we've already decided on which high chair we want as well as picked out our glass bottles and our bedding if we have a baby boy! I know through all of my husband's thorough research, not only will Baby G get the stuff he/she needs, but quality things that will last, be safe and not cause cancer. Plus, we won't have to clutter up our space with the products that you don't really need. It's a win-win for all!

Operation: Registery is going into effect next Sunday, July 31. Just so happens to be our 2-year anniversary as well. Such happy and welcome changes happening at this point in our lives.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Annnd I'm back!

After a brief hiatus, I am back to this blogging thing. A week in Vegas gave me time to think about the sort of things I want to document. What will really be important when I look back on my life and the life of my growing family? It's true... things are going to change a little bit but in a positive way. There is just so much in this life for Kevin and I to be thankful for. Those are the things worth documenting. We are blessed!

Stay tuned as I play catch-up:
4th of July re-cap
Vegas Trip re-cap
Updates on Baby G
Updates on Mama and Papa
A trip to Toys R Us with BIG GIRL Sophia
The dun-dun-dun BIG ultrasound
My growing waistline {and appetite}
Shopping for Maternity clothes
Registering for Baby G
Everyday life in the big PDX