Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Because I want something light-hearted:

Most of my recent posts contain heavy words lately. Heavy words, followed by heavy sighs and even heavier decisions. So today - just for the sake of being lazy and wanting desperately to avoid anything that requires a decision - I am abandoning my thoughts and feelings. Instead, I offer you a light-hearted peek into this BIG heart of mine. Oh, lucky you :)

The phrase I overuse the most is:
OMG! (said like Oh Em Gee!)

Today, I am thankful for:
Diet Cherry 7Up (yes, I'm drinking soda and no, it's not Friday. ask me if I care...)

My best friend is:
my husband - I would be truly lost without him

One quirky thing about me is:
The sound of ice rattling in a glass of water (or moreso, Diet coke) is like music to my ears

This weekend I:

had a lazy day with my husband - we laid in bed all day, we napped, we watched a Chopped Championships marathon. it was magic

Something that worries me is:
fearing that we don't save as much money as we should.

On my night stand you would find:
a thermometer, a hairtie, a book and a pretty fabulous lamp

One irrational thing that really gets my blood boiling is:
when people say "oh, I know exactly how you feel" (because, you don't)

A bad habit I have is:
not recycling glass containers (for a multitude of reasons like nowhere to put them, it's a pain, yes, I am rapidly contributing to the landfill)

One of my most real fears is:
having a baby with down syndrome.

and on that note, over and out!

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