Wednesday, October 19, 2011

32 Week Update

Since I don't really know off the top of my head what a jicama looks like and/or weighs, I guess it would be wise for me to share that my little pumpkin is growing quite rapidly these days. At the 32 week mark, she's tipping the scales at a healthy 3.75 pounds and stretches just shy of 17 inches at 16.7! There is no question about it - she is definitely making her growing presence known in my uterus these days. That stretchy band on my maternity pants are fitting a little more snug and some shirts are just about busting at the seems. Thank goodness I'm already so far along! :) Seems like every attempt to roll over in bed in the middle of the night or get my lazy buns off the couch in the evenings come with a little more straining, a little more grunting and a little less poise. I can see the scales slowly easing their way up to where baby needs them to be. On average, I should be gaining about a pound per week from this point on, half of that going straight to little miss Claire. During the next seven weeks, it is predicted that she will gain a third to a half of her birth weight as she fattens up some chubby little cheeks in preparation for life outside her mama's tummy. Now, my little doll now has fingernails, toenails, real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz) and her skin is softening up as she plumps. Only about 8 weeks until we get to finally meet this little girl who has turned our life upside down. I'm getting more excited with each passing day!

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