Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Bump

After many requests, it's finally been caught on camera. The baby bump. Here we are, mama and baby Garvey, visiting Multnomah Falls on Sunday, August 27, 2011 at 24.5 weeks pregnant. Photo courtesy of the Papa.

I must say, I have mixed feelings about this photo. I don't like the lighting, the angle is not the most flattering, I can't believe how H U G E my boobs have already gotten, I look super washed-out, etc. But I also think I look really happy. Probably because I am. Then again, maybe this photo really isn't so bad.
Dear Claire,
Even though my feet swell until my toes look like little smokies and I get tired easier, I still love carrying you around with me. I wouldn't trade it for the world. We'll go back to Multnomah Falls again one day.
Your mama


  1. Beautiful picture. You look so happy!

  2. Dear Claire, You make your mommy look so beautiful and happy. I'd say she looks content. Thank you and I can't wait to see you, love gramma
