Thursday, January 6, 2011


Working in position where a large portion of my job is data entry, being insanely aware of timing is the nature of the beast. I have always been the worrier. The planner. The there-goes-another-day, another-week, another-year person. The oh-no-we're-running-out-of-time stress ball. However, 2011 has changed me. Or perhaps it's just me growing up? I am not as worried and stressed as I used to be. Considering unfortunate circumstances we are facing (Kevin's hours were cut back at work), I am still cool as a cucumber. I feel that we hit rock bottom in 2010 (financially, professionally and emotionally) so things can only go up from here. Clean slate, they say. So far (6 days in), so good. Right now we are just focusing on ourselves. Our mental health, our physical health, our marriage. They say there will never be the perfect time to have a baby. They say you just have to do it. You will always want to take one more trip, save up X amount of money, get a new promotion, snag a better job, buy a new car, buy a house, etc etc. Well, I am just choosing to trust that there will be a perfect time for us. All I know is right now isn't it. Could be tomorrow, could be next month, could be in 6 or twelve months. I am optimistic that I will be pregnant in the year 2011 but we'll see. I am choosing to take it one day at a time right now and couldn't be more content with my choice.

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