Tuesday, December 21, 2010

food for thought.

between my "look that way" and "lift your chin" haircut, my cousin-slash-fabulous hairdresser and i were gossiping about the things we love and loathe about our lives. naturally, we got to talking about what we disagree with our husbands over. hers was football on sundays instead of church with the family. mine was an unreachable husband due to anti-cell phone beliefs and the fact that it's never on him (EVER!). quickly, the conversation emerged from what irritates us to what makes us swoon all over again, what makes us want to marry them all over again. that list was much more solid and jam-packed with smiles, giggles, and oh-my-gosh-did-you-know's. all the things that make non-girly-girls cringe. we discussed how her husband is such a great, hands-on father and i shared my predictions that mine would be the same way. i already see it in his interactions with our nieces. in the thick of our conversation, another hairdresser slides into our conversation..."don't you girls ever go divorcing those husbands of yours! if you got one that doubles as a good father, you've already won. nothing else matters, you hear me? nothing." then she half-giggled and walked away. and now, even four hours later, i'm still chewing over that thick hunk of unsolicited advice she spewed. i don't think i will ever forget it.

1 comment:

  1. good husband + good father = keeper.

    for sure. good advice. xoxo
