Thursday, March 18, 2010

I've said it once and I'll say it again.

Kevin can’t get a job, because he doesn’t have enough experience. Kevin doesn’t have enough experience because he can’t get a job. No experience – no job. No job – no experience. REALLY? That, my friends, is why his degree is worth nothing. It just hangs on the wall collecting dust.

It’s true. Maybe my emotions have gotten the best of me recently. And maybe I have been full of self-pity. But I can’t say I’m over it. The most commonly used phrase lately has been “it’s not fair”…because, to us, it really isn’t fair. Everyone says your 20’s (and being newlyweds) is supposed to be all fun and no responsibilities. We’re not supposed to be stressing about money. We’re not supposed to be worrying about how to save money when, at the end of the day, there’s nothing left to save. As a couple, it used to be all sunbeams and happiness. Now it’s turned into feeling dejected and that nobody understands. All of the sudden, everyone around me seems to have forgotten about the recession. Like it never happened, as if they weren’t affected by it in the slightest. Well, great for you. Enjoy it. Live it up. One day, it’ll come back around. You’ll see. And you know what I’ll tell you? Nope, not to “wait it out” or “just believe” or “it could be worse.” I’ll say “yes, it really sucks. I’ve been there.” and “in this moment, life really isn’t fair for you.” Why is that SO HARD?

Let’s change the perspective. If we didn’t get help from Kevin’s parents, we’d be homeless. Or, gulp! with my parents! Not that living with my parents would be horrible, but as a married couple, we need our own space. We’re 25 and should have the luxury of living like 25 year olds. What that is, I’m not quite sure…but I am certain it does not involve living back at home with mommy and daddy. I don’t make enough money to break even each month. And saving for the future? People, there is no money left to save. My paycheck alone can’t cover our rent, car insurance, internet, cable, food, gas or other miscellaneous expenses. Get rid of my internet or cable? Sell some of our stuff? Why should we have to get rid of simple luxuries if that’s all we have to stay entertained? We’re not going out every night and spending all our money partying or on shopping sprees. I wish. We spend every night (pretty much) in our apartment cooking and watching tv. At 25, we’ve officially become an old married couple with no life. And so now I say…LIFE JUST ISN’T FAIR.

1 comment:

  1. Well,if it helps... I was a waitress and keno runner for years after college. I had a baby (your husband) at 31 years of age, a real job at 32, and bought my first house at 33. I lived paycheck to paycheck for years and saved nothing. Look at me now! It does take time and yes, it sucks that Kevin can't find a job and yes, life is unfair. Welcome to the real world! And yes, you DO have a life. You have your health, family, friends, a job, and your love for each other. Take one day at a time. It will get better. I love you guys!
