Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Because we all need a reminder, sometimes.

Today, I was a silent participant in a discussion regarding Christianity and what it means to be a real disciple of Christ vs. an overbearing Bible-thumper. It's very ironic, in my opinion, that I (more often than not) completely agreed with the non-Christian speakers moreso than those that live, eat and breathe the Bible. Why? Because those people aren't acting like temptation and the battle of wrong vs. right doesn't happen to them. Because those people are speaking honestly and from the heart. Because those people are having experiences with Christians that are not doing as God calls them to do. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Bible doesn't instruct us to judge, point fingers, turn up our noses or push our beliefs on others. It instructs us to be open, forgive, accept, understand, and, most importantly, love.

While descriptive words (pious, hypocritical, judgmental, etc). were being tossed around like leaves in the wind, the conversation allowed me the room to formulate a few facts that I stand for 100%:

1. Just because you go to church and you've made more right decisions in your life than wrong doesn't make you a better person. And, it certainly doesn't make you a better Christian. Christianity is as much about your personal walk with God as it is about discipleship. However, non-believers do not see the beauty of Christ and Christianity unless you are a good living example of your faith. The biggest complaint was not that Christians are preaching too much, it was that they are not practicing what they preach.

2. Just because you are divorced, had a child out of wedlock or had sex before you were married, doesn't mean you are a failure as a Christian (or a person). And it does not, I repeat...DOES NOT give Christians the right to judge you or feel that they need to "save" you from all your wrongdoing. Things happen in life, whether controllable or not, and I believe God understands that. Some run from Christianity simply because of all the "impossible to follow" rules that come along with it. Christians just need to take a step back and realize that nobody is perfect. [If we were, why would we even need God?] That is why we have such a forgiving God. Life is hard enough and, once you throw religion in too, it's nearly impossible to do everything right. Christians need to accept people as they are, the good with the bad, and cut them some slack. Most importantly, they need to only offer advice and opinions when they are asked for.

3. Just because you can recite the Bible backwards from memory and you haven't missed a day of church in 7 years doesn't mean you are the primo Christian. Anybody can memorize and anybody can have perfect attendance. It's about what you are learning in all those years of church. Moreso, it's about putting what you memorized to work and drawning others in. Don't brag about all the things you can do, be humble about what you can't and realize that others will respect that honesty and (hopefully) respond positively.

I think this is a good reminder for me (and for all of us) that how you live your life is going to draw in more non-believers than preaching in every coffee shop, school, mall, minivan or street fair ever will. Practice what you preach. Lead by example. Don't tell them how Christ has changed your life, show them.


  1. Well put my dear. I am so proud of you and your opinions. We were not put here to judge others, that's not our job, we were put here to have a personal relationship with God. And when we fall down we ask God to forgive us and guide our paths. I know, I for one, have fallen down on my knees asking for forgiveness more times than I can count and I believe that God lifts me back up into His arms knowing I will again fail. But He loves me anyway. That's the God I'm so in love with. Mom

  2. so, so true Katie! i agree 100%!
