Monday, November 30, 2009

is it too much to ask?

i want a coffee table that doesn't wobble. i want a bed that makes itself. i want an apartment that allows you to do month-to-month without raising the rent $200 per month. i want a fridge that can get cold without freezing my soda. i want candles that burn evenly instead of one side bulging and the other drooping. i want an oven that doesn't heat the entire apartment. i want clothes that wash themselves. i want an endless gas tank. i want a kitchen table that doesn't have hookah burns in it. i want my wedding pictures to order and pay for themselves. then i want them to hang mat and hang themselves! i want a storage shed that is wide enough to shove my bbq into for the winter. i want soy tealights that last longer than the 4 hours my regular tealights do. i want the bowl i broke from world market to replace itself. i want my vacuum to work all on it's own. i want a bathroom that doesn't steam so bad it causes mold/mildew. i want never ending laundry detergent. i want kevin's family to not live so far away! i want a yard for my dog. i want all food at the grocery store to be free and never to spoil. i want a bedroom that has a light on the ceiling, not in the corner of the room! i want a constant temperature in my house, not stupid wall heaters that turn on and off. i want to stop living paycheck to paycheck. i want my husband to find a permanent job. i want to not be afraid of trying to live off just my income in a few months. i want there to be more than one cotton ball in my cotton ball jar. i want ornament organizers and every other kind of organizer. basically, i just want organization. i want to be able to buy a loaf of bread and eat it before it spoils. i want routine. i want a digital camera to take a photo of my beautiful christmas tree! and then i want my blog to write it's own post about it.

i know i'm unrealistic with my 'wants'. but i can be, because it's my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Believe it or not, you will remember these days as some of the best in your life.
    PS. Freeze half of the bread. That is what we do.
    Love, Karen
