Friday, November 16, 2012

Cries in the night.

Claire is teething again. When I first announced that two of her top teeth were coming in, only one had actually popped through the surface. It's hard to tell because she will rarely let us look in her mouth - I usually just have to stick my finger in and feel around while she's chomping on them. Ouch! About two days ago she started showing signs of teething again and, sure enough, the other one popped through. Pair that with another tooth coming in on the bottom and my poor baby is quite uncomfortable. Thank God for Hyland's all natural teething tablets, teething gel, infant Tylenol and gripe water. When she's teething, it's a lot harder to get her to drink a full bottle before bed time which leaves her more restless and harder to put down. Once she finally falls asleep, she wakes in the night because her mouth hurts, it's uncomfortable to suck on her binky and she's hungry from not drinking her whole bottle before bed. Even though it gets exhausting, it's not all bad. Her waking in the night just allows us time for extra cuddles, songs and books in the rocking chair. Those are the special moments, even if she does grunt at me and shake her head to get me to stop singing or talking to her sometimes. Haha! She wants mama to hold her, just not make any noise! Stinker! Overall, she's handling all this teething like a champ. She's not much of a drooler anymore which keeps me from having to do a load of bibs every few days (that's nice) but she chews on anything and everything to relieve the pressure. For a little one, growing up is rough!

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