Friday, July 22, 2011

The predictions of a 3-year-old

The other night, after a fun and easy dinner with Kevin, Jeff, Lindsi and the girls, I sat down for a conversation with my favorite 3-year-old Sophia. All through dinner she'd mentioned the baby in my tummy, she kept rubbing it, asking when it'd come out and trying to lift up my shirt to actually see the baby. At one point she even said "Daddy, did you know Auntie Katie has a baby in her belly?" Obviously, she's warming up to the idea that a baby is going to arrive shortly. However, when I asked her if she wanted Auntie Katie to have a boy baby or a girl baby, her response never changes. She wants a girl. She said she wants to go shopping with me for things for the girl baby. She wants to hold the girl baby. Her mommy and I explained that two of our friends are having babies and just found out they are expecting boys. So I explained to Sophia that there's a very real chance that I could have a baby boy in my tummy. She thought about it for a minute then got this heartbroken little look on her face, saying "noooo, you have to have a girrrrrl!" She cracks me up. In all reality, I think she'd be happy with either, but baby girls are all she really knows. Heck, that's all our family produces :) I just think it's so adorable that she's so adamant about the gender of a baby that she wasn't so sure about in the first place. Ahhh, kids, they sure are honest!

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