Thursday, April 7, 2011

Extreme Couponing, Extreme Savings!

I have become obsessed with a new show called Extreme Couponing on TLC. It's an addiction, really. These women spend their time snipping and clipping coupons to use on massive quantities of groceries (seriously enough to feed an army) and they figure it out just right so they purchase 500, 600, 1000 dollars worth of groceries but only pay like 5.97 or 13.57 out of pocket. Then they take home their loot and stock up their already bursting "pantries" (that are really an entire room or garage set up like a mini mart) and freezers/fridges to store all the food/toiletries. It's craziness! I am definitely going to take some of the tips I've learned from the show and put it to good use. There is a lot of money to be saved with taking the time to clip some coupons. It's almost like printing money! Or your very own money tree! Obviously, I am excited about this...however, I am not going to take it to the extreme that most of these women do. Who honestly can eat 56 yogurts or 12 packs of string cheese before they expire? And who needs to store 1400 rolls of toilet paper or, for goodness sake, 35 bottles of maalox!?! These women go so overboard with these good deals that I think they by products simply because they are a good deal - whether or not they will actually use those products is another story! *Note to self: just because it's a good deal, doesn't mean you should buy're not saving money if you're buying a product you wouldn't normally buy or consume*

Since I am already a lister, I am already in the habit of creating shopping lists to use each time I go to the grocery store. Next time, I am going to take the extra time to look over my list and print coupons for the products I normally buy and see how much money I have saved. I just might start buying the Sunday paper too. It has the most ads for good coupon selection. Either way, Kevin and I are really excited about this new venture. The more money saved on the everyday stuff just means we have more money to spend on fun things like date night! :)

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