Thursday, October 7, 2010

Invitation Design

I am trying to find the time to complete a website for my dream of my own invitation design "company". That word is in quotes because, not only does it intimidate me, it seems so official. Yet another person wanted my website, which I do not have. If I could magically continue to make money by quitting my job and working only on my invitation design, I would be in seventh heaven. But, since working full time is taking up all my time, I don't find the energy or extra moments in my day to do anything else. I have so many ideas swimming around in my head. I would love to do custom Christmas cards this year, but I don't have a website so nobody knows about my abilities. I have done multiple custom invitations in the past for birthdays, weddings, bridal showers, engagement showers, save the dates, display placards, etc. but how would anybody know that unless I put it on a website!?! This is what I want to do. This is what I like to do. This is what I should be doing. But, unfortunately, life and bills trump dreams sometimes. What to do, what to do? All I know is this would be the perfect side-job for when I have a baby (which should be soon hopefully) and I need to have all these things in order before we bring a baby into the picture or it really will never happen. Anybody have any suggestions? Perhaps just starting a blog would be the best option? Who knows. It's all very overwhelming and exciting wrapped into one.

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