Monday, July 8, 2013

Because I love this age!

Being the parents of a toddler is really fun. Sure, Claire has some moments that make us cringe but most of the time her over-the-top cuteness outshines any of the difficult moments. We are working hard at reinforcing manners like please and thank you. I wish I could bottle up the way she says pah-weeeeez and save it for some added sweetness during those less-than-dreamy days. Thank you is more of an after thought but she is starting to say it without being prompted. 

As Claire continues to change, some personality traits remain a clear pattern prompting our "that is so her" reactions. For instance, she's never been one to hide her discomfort. The little lady used to love a cool breeze from an open window or two in the car. All the sudden, she won't be having it. Think you can get away with closed windows and a cracked sunroof? Nope - try again. Let's hope this phase passes quickly. Another new car trick stems from when Grandma K was in town. She would point out all the beautiful trees to Claire on our car rides and now Claire has made it her personal mission to make sure we are all aware of the beautiful "tees!" too...multiple times during each ride. It's very cute :) I love that she is becoming more aware of her surroundings. Let's not even mention the fact that she's starting to climb on everything. The couch is no longer a challenge and we are about one inch shy of her being able to climb up on our oversized king-size bed. Once it gets to that point, we're in trouble.

Kevin is a foodie so it makes sense that the little miss loves her food, too. I'm not exaggerating when I say that she asks for pancakes multiple times every single day. I put down a nice plate full of blueberries and cantaloupe with scrambled eggs and she looks at me puzzled while asking "pancakes?" I'm sure she's thinking what the hell, mom!?! Too funny! On a more encouraging note, Claire has been practicing using her utensils and she is getting really good a it. That kid has serious hand-eye coordination skills! Plus, she loves food and understands that a spoon or fork equals a full tummy. That tiny angel has been eating us out of house and home, ridiculous amounts. I'm lucky to say Claire is a pretty easy baby to feed as she enjoys a good mix of healthy food options with a few treat options mixed in here and there. Just as summer arrived, she understands fully the beauty of ice cream, frozen yogurt and popsicles. But, if she asks for "teets" (treats) she means m&m's...and she means business. We cap it at 8 max. I swear those tiny candies are baby crack. Claire goes straight cray-cray.

Speaking of crazy, our girl still goes nuts over her books. Nuts! Nuts! Nuts! Right now, any books pertaining to the alphabet seem to be her favorite. We have covered ABCDEFG so far but all she's seemed to grasp is EFG. Every time she sees words on a sign outside of the car, on a menu, on the tv or printed on mail, she points it out singing the tune EFG! EFG! We sure love her thirst for knowledge.

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