Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bye-bye to Bah-Bah?

First thing in the am, she asks for her bah-bah and drinks it in her crib.
Before her nap, she lets out an excited squeal for her bah-bah.
In the afternoon, she sometimes asks for a bah-bah to sip while watching tv.
Before bed, she always takes a bah-bah. Always.

I have major major major anxiety over taking away Claire's bottle. At 18 months, she still takes 3-4 bottles per day, totalling 20-24 ounces of milk per day. And apparently, that is like the worst thing ever. I cannot even tell you how many people have said things like:

She's still on the bottle? 
She's howwwwww old?
You know that will ruin her teeth, right? Hope you want to pay for braces.
Bottles are for babies and she is a toddler.
She's not a baby anymore.
Why do you let her have that much dairy? It's too much for her system.
Why don't you just take them away?
If she won't drink milk from a sippy, then tell her she gets no milk at all.
You're the mom!

And it goes on and on and on and on. Honestly, I just really don't see why it's such a big deal? Think about the fact that she's been drinking milk since she was born. Why, because she is all the sudden considered "too old" according to google or my pediatrician or my coworker's friend's sister, should I take away her bottles? If I were still breastfeeding, nobody would be telling me to wean because of her age (or they all would but thats a whole different issue!) It just seems unfair, like I am forcing her to grow up too quickly. I try to live by the if it ain't broke, don't fix it mantra. 

My anxiety is not only because the bottle is her last baby item, but also because she will only drink water in addition to milk. She rarely drinks juice. If I take away her bottle, she won't drink anything else out of a sippy. What happens if we successfully wean from the bottle but she refuses to drink any milk from a sippy? Or, even worse, what if she wants the milk heated in the sippy cup like her bottles are? Isn't that like basically like giving her a bottle, just in a different form? See! There are too many variables...and it's stupid. What happens if her naps get all screwed up because mama took away her pre-nap bottles. It's like taking away her comfort. And for what? I just mull it over and over in my head trying to figure out what I/Claire will gain by doing this and I cannot think of many pro's. 

Sometimes this mom-job is seriously irritating because everyone else thinks they can make better choices or can do a better job raising your child than you can. I still maintain I know my child best and will ultimately do what I feel is best whether or not Dr. Sears agrees with me. Take that!

1 comment:

  1. YOU are the mom, period, end of sentence. YOU decide when she is ready. YOU don't have to listen to anyone else but your own heart. YOU will make the right decision for both you and her. Let the nay sayers say nay, just don't listen to them, gently shake your head in acknowledgement then do what YOU feel is right. YOU ARE THE MOM! And YOU ARE A GREAT MOM!! With a GREAT KID!! YOU'RE doing everything right for YOUR daughter. period, end of sentence! :) Love YOU, Mom
