Saturday, April 20, 2013

Busy lives and bye-bye Facebook

I'm so behind on posting about our lives on this blog, it's embarrassing! I guess I've just been too busy living it. So, in a way, that's better! Now that I'm back, I plan to make every effort to be better about it. After all, it's not just a way for out-of-town relatives to keep up with the Garvey family (hi Grandma Janet!), it's also a record of Claire's life that I'm sure will be very much appreciated later. So, I'm going to start today and will be filling in on what's happened these past 5 months during my blogging hiatus. I've already started to make myself a list. Thank God this blog system is high-tech enough to let me publish posts in the past.

In other news, I've been contemplating getting rid of my Facebook. I don't use it much anymore because I find the majority of it has turned into ways to sell things, advertisements and political/religious attacks on one another. It's as if you can't write anything opinion-based because some one's friend of a friend of a relative or a coworker will freak out about it. That's not what Facebook is for and it's getting old. I just want to look at photos of my friend's cute kids or their destination weddings, not get inundated with messages about how much people love/hate Obama or how we should be giving money to this, that or the other thing. See what I mean? It's exhausting. Plus, I feel like I miss out on seeing my friends and their cute kids face-to-face. There is so much out in the media right now about how technology is causing us to lose the social aspect of our lives. Why talk when you can text? Why send a letter when you can email? Why meet for a playdate or coffee when you can just look at their photos from their vacation on Facebook? I don't want Claire to grow up in a world where keeping up with people on the computer is "normal" because you lose so much. So, I have been thinking a better option would be to delete Facebook to focus more on this blog. It takes away Facebook, a real time-sucker in my life, and replaces it with keeping up with this blog for the family (you can still see photos and read updates on Claire) while allowing more time to actually live. Summer's coming - I don't want to spend it all on Facebook. It's win-win. Not sure when this change will happen, but soon. It's freeing just to type that. Boy, oh boy, is this going to earn me extra brownie points with the hubster.

Now, while Claire is napping, I'm off to start some laundry and clean out the car. Fun stuff! I'll leave you with this little gem:

Claire, 15 months, Easter photo

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