All of the advice, most of it unsolicited and unwarranted, is like quicksand. It sucks you in and makes you feel like people don't trust that you know what you are doing. Yes, I have never had a baby before but I am a smart woman, I know my body can do this and I know that I have the knowledge and resources to figure it all out. Sometimes the advice and questions are helpful, especially when I know they are coming from a good place like family and close friends. They just make you think about things in a different way, like if I really need a changing table (still debating). Other times, the advice and questions come from people I barely know and are overwhelming - slash - occasionally borderline-insulting.
Are you going to have a natural birth?
Do you believe in drugs?
Is your baby going to be born all drugged-out?
Are you going to get an epidural?
Did you know your baby can still feel pain even if you can't?
Are you going to labor at home or go straight to the hospital?
Where did you conceive?
How long did it take you to get pregnant?
Was your baby an accident?
Don't you think you're young to have a baby?
If you have a boy, will you circumcise?
Are you sad that you're having a girl?
Are you terrified to have a baby?
Who are you going to let into the labor room?
Why are you taking birth classes?
Why aren't you taking birth classes?
You know you're supposed to gain weight, right?
How much weight are you going to gain?
Do you have stretch marks?
Are you doing anything to prevent them?
Are you going to co-sleep?
Are you still drinking caffeine?
Do you still sleep on your back?
Is the baby going to sleep in your room or in the crib?
Are you going to breastfeed or use formula?
How much time are you taking off?
How are you going to afford taking time off work?
Are you going to go back to work?
What have you arranged for childcare?
How are you going to pay for it?
Do you realize how expensive children are?
With that many questions being thrown at you like darts all day long and every single day, you start to feel a little scrutinized after a while. Often, you just don't even want to answer. Kevin tells me to just respond with that's personal or that's inappropriate or I don't feel comfortable discussing that with you. Truth is, I just don't feel comfortable saying those things. I don't want to be rude! But I do want the question-askers to realize that believe it or not, this is an exciting time in our marriage. Why don't people acknowledge that? And where are all the positive questions? Like Are you excited to be a mother? and Is Kevin excited to be a dad? and How's the nursery coming along? It has been a constant struggle for me to deal with all the questions, the advice and the judgments since the very beginning of this pregnancy. Now that I'm at 8 months, it seems to only be getting worse. So, for now, I'll just take it in stride. I'll take all the advice with a grain of salt. Seriously consider what people suggest and then decide what is right for me. That's all I really can do.
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