Where do people get the nerve to say whatever the hell they feel like saying to pregnant women!?! There I was, just minding my own business, and all the sudden I am personally attacked. Not once, but twice. In one day. How is this possible!?!
Rude person (stops me in the hallway): "When are you due?"
Me (smiling): "On December 15. It's coming up!"
Rude person: "Oh! Are you having twins?"
Me (no longer smiling): "Nope, just one."
Rude person (with mouth gaping open): "Really!?! Hmm. A boy or a girl?"
Me (as I walk away with tears in my eyes): "A girl."
Then, I cried.
And called my husband.
2nd Rude person (stops me in another department): "Whoa! You sure are rounding out there."
Me: "Yeah, I know. Seems like I get bigger every day."
2nd Rude person (looking at me with pity eyes): "Oh, don't worry, hon. It doesn't look like you've gained toooo much weight."
Me: "Actually, I haven't. I weigh less now than I did before I was pregnant."
2nd Rude person (with mouth gaping open): "Oh, wow. Really!?!"
I just walked away.
Then, I cried.
And texted my husband.
They are just lucky I am a nice person. I sure would have loved to tell them off, really put them in their place but I never would. What I don't understand is how they think it's okay to say things like that? I would never walk up to someone eating McDonalds and say "You know that's just going to go straight to your ass, don't you?" But I would never do that because my mama taught me better than that. And, I have common sense.
I'm just baffled.
This is what I can't seem to figure out: At what point during my transition into pregnancy did my rights to be considered a person with feelings dissolve? Don't they realize that what they say is rude? At what point did it become okay for people to become outwardly critical of me, my body and my unborn child? Don't they realize that if the tables were turned, they would be highly offended if I commented on their size and/or weight? At what point did it become socially acceptable to share derogatory comments under the umbrella of "advice" or "suggestions" to someone's face with complete disregard to the effects of your comments? Don't they realize that I'm hormonal and can cry at the drop of a hat? Don't they realize that, even though I am pregnant, it still hurts my feelings? Pregnant people do have feelings! It certainly doesn't work the other way around. Call me biased but I feel that pregnant women deserve the same respect, if not extra special treatment, considering it is such a sensitive moment in their lives.
Every mother, especially a new mother, is overly critical of herself while pregnant. She wants to make sure she is doing everything she can to provide the best environment for her child. Am I eating enough of the right foods? Is my body going to stretch enough to provide ample room for the baby? Can I make it through an entire 10 months of this? Am I going to be strong enough to get through the birth? Will I be a good mother? How can she focus on what is really important when she spends a night crying in bed with her husband because of the careless words people say without even thinking? I have enough on my plate without having to deal with inconsiderate people. My body and my mind are going through a lot. Please cut me some slack.
The real kicker is...both rude people in my scenarios above are mothers. Mothers, of all people, should know better. There's just no excuse. People suck.
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