This was the big one. The one class in the series that I was dreading more than the rest. The one that would certainly scare me straight. It was the one with dun, dun, dun...videos! But, after all was said and done, I walked out of the class more amazed about what my body was created to do, more confident in the fact that I will be giving birth and more sure that the experience will be as beautiful as I make it out to be. It will be hard, I know, but nothing worth doing is easy. And the video I dreaded? It was not even worth fretting over. I've seen much much worse on youtube.
We learned just as much during class two as we did in class one. The main topics included a more detailed look at what the stages of labor entail, the path baby takes to travel down the birth canal (looks like my little doll has quite the journey ahead of her!), coping strategies to deal with the stress and pain of labor, the delivery of the baby and the placenta, different laboring positions and what happens immediately after baby is born. We didn't discuss many interventions or medications during this class. It was more centered on natural birth and how to know whether it's the appropriate choice for you. Options were also discussed regarding taking advantage of the birth tub and/or the shower during labor as well as the benefits that using multiple labor and delivery positions can have on your overall length of labor and birth experience. Whew! See, we learned alot.
My favorite portion of the class was our discussion about positive affirmations. Telling yourself something over and over until you really start to believe it. Our instructor gave us multiple examples of real affirmations her patients used during labor to keep themselves motivated and feeling strong. The one that really stuck with me was a woman that kept repeating "my body rocks! my body rocks!" I find these positive affirmations particularly interesting considering I've already been practicing this mind-over-matter exercise. I tell myself all the time:
My body was meant to do this.
Everything will go fine.
It will be a beautiful experience.
I am just as strong as any other woman.
I can do this.
These ideas are now cemented into my brain. I really believe them. I know I can do this. It will be hard, but I can do it. My body knows exactly what it's supposed to do. It's what my body was created for. I am thinking positive in order to get the most positive outcome. And, because of these affirmations, I am at peace with birth. I feel confident and I feel able.
The class ended with a few breathing and relaxation techniques as well as practicing different labor positions. All the mama's had to get into these different positions, some comfortable and some definintely not, and then she'd teach the papa's how to support their partner and apply counter-pressure. Although awkward, these exercises were quite helpful. Overall, we left feeling more prepared and looking forward to next Monday night.
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