When change comes my way I tend to cringe and feel scared. I want to grasp on to everything I have and never let it go. This isn’t good. I’m working on embracing change and am trying to learn to “go with the flow.” Life inevitably will change on you. People come and go, careers change, love changes, nothing ever stays the same. The key to my own happiness is learning to love and appreciate what I have had, love what I currently have and be excited for what is to come. This is a new trend in my life and so far I have never felt happier. Life has been good to me these last few years and it only seems to be getting better. If anything, I just wanted to express my own struggles with embracing change and hope to possibly inspire someone else to do the same. It is a part of life! Learn to love it.
I found this tiny morsel of a blog post wedged between the photos of a photography blog I frequent. It seemed to be screaming my name. I can't say anything in particular is changing per-say, but we seem to be in a constant state of flux and I don't like it. Not one bit. It stresses me out, gives me anxiety. But, like it says above, life is constantly changing. I need to learn to go with the flow. Learn to love it. Becaaaauuuuusee...I definitely don't.
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