Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Step 1

They say that if you don't like where you are at in life, change it. Take one step everyday in the right direction. Well, I want a baby. So my first step in getting there is to get healthy. My first step in getting healthy is to drink less soda, more water. Even though I have a rather extensive list of what I need to do in order to "get healthy" (like actually eating breakfast, taking vitamins, flossing more often, exercising more, eating spinach, etc) this seemed like the best way to ease myself into it. So I am committing this entire week to focusing on that goal. Yes, I know--only a week? Baby steps, people.

This entire week, Lord willing, I plan to consume absolutely no soda. None. Nada. Zilch. Not even the diet, caffeine-free junk they try to pass off as soda. Instead, I will be drinking water. Hot water, cold water, lukewarm water, tea-infused water, lemon water, lime water, orange water, cucumber water. Nothing but water.

So far, so good. Then again, I am only 10 hours in (and I have only been awake for 3 of said hours). Let's just say...this should be interesting. And brutal. And, in it's own little way, life-altering.

Good riddens! Farewell! Adios! Goodbye Diet Coke and Coke Zero, you are dear friends and will be sincerely missed. Or will you??

***to be quite honest, i am shocked that i didn't burst into flames while typing this post!***

1 comment:

  1. check this out.... http://www.qualityhealth.com/eating-nutrition-articles/10-reasons-stop-drinking-soda
