Sometimes I forget that life is not a fairy tale. It's not a movie, some overly-dramatic romantic comedy that always ends the way you expect it to. It's just life. That's the beauty of it - you never know what is going to happen. I find that when I remember this simple fact, every thing is a little easier to handle. Why, oh why, can't we teach our baby girls that you just have to roll with the punches, play the cards you are dealt, accept what is unfair, do your best to move forward, make lemonade from lemons? After all, we are not all princesses and not all men are knights in shining armor. It's up to you to find your perfect fairy tale and make it happen. Kevin is a little rough around the edges. He lets his hair grow too long, he is often more concerned about his xbox than the dishes in the sink and he rarely remembers to pay the bills. And, oh no no...I am certainly no queen myself - sometimes I forget to brush my hair, let life go on longer than I should between cleaning the shower, lack a short term memory to remember what I need at the grocery store and complain every day about having to do laundry (literally, EVERY DAY). But that's just it - we found what was beautiful in each other, we accept each other's flaws and we move forward. He does little things here and there to make me feel special and loved. He hugs me for as long as I want every night when he gets home. We never part ways without a kiss. He always makes sure I have enough hot water for my showers. He's my knight in shining armor and, at the end of the day, I couldn't be happier. Plus, he is painfully adorable which is a definite plus!
All in all, life is good today :)
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