except this one! At 16 weeks, Baby G is now the size of an avocado. That's 4.5 inches head to rump and only 3.5 ounces. Even though baby is still pretty small, he or she has been doing a lot of work in there. The eyes are moving closer together and the ears are now close to their final position. The head is now in the most erect position it has been so far. Toenails have even begun to sprout!
We had our 16 week doctor's appointment yesterday with Dr. Johnson. Things are going well for me in my second trimester so far. I traded the nausea for headaches...fine by me! Tylenol helps with headaches, nausea is another story! I have more energy but I still sleep whenever I get the chance. Doc says I should start gaining weight during this trimester. Since losing weight in my first trimester, I've stayed down. Should be interesting to see the scale creep back up. It's all good for baby :) I can feel lower abdomen thickening and things are continually shifting in my body. Overall I am feeling great. Baby is feeling great, too, says Doc. We got to hear his/her heartbeat at a steady 155 BPM. This time we got to listen for longer than a milisecond which was appreciated. At the end of the usual appointment (no ultrasound this time, but the usual pee in a cup and chatting about questions), I was sent down to the lab to get my blood drawn for various tests. YIKES! Needless to say, I was a little nervous but it gave me the chance to practice my mommy-is-brave-face and I survived. Thankfully, it was a trained professional and she made it as painless and quick as possible. Thank you's were exchanged and I was on my merry way. Now, we have our BIG ultrasound to find out the gender at the end of July to look forward to! Things are getting very exciting around here!!
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