Thursday, June 9, 2011

Baby G looks a lot like Charlie Brown

We had our second ultrasound today. Had some pre-screening done to determine my risk of baby having developmental problems/fetal defects/chromosomal abnormalities such as down syndrome. During the screening they measure two hormones in the mother's blood, scan and measure the nuchal translucency thickness (at the base of baby's head/neck), assess the nose bone and the blood flow through baby's heart. So, to make a long story short, I had to drink about an ocean of water, try not to pee while the ultrasound tech pressed on my bladder, endure the finger pricking to draw blood and leave a urine sample. Needless to say, it was SUPER FUN :) But, hearing little baby G's heartbeat at 157 BPM made it all worth it.

*Although I am happy I don't have to drink an ocean before my next appt - I have 7 weeks to prepare myself to do it again. It was torture, especially at 7.30am! Now, if it was Diet Coke, that'd be a different story haha.

Kevin came along and so did Grandma Barbara. It was a fun appointment! Baby looks good. No tail anymore. Confirmed 2 hands, 2 legs and one prominent nose bone :) The next check-up is scheduled for June 28. There won't be an ultrasound so it won't be as fun, but 4 weeks after that we'll find out the sex (hopefully). And now, the moment you've all been waiting for....2 new photos of Baby G:

Doesn't Baby G look like Charlie Brown in the above photo?

If you look closely to the top of baby's nose bone, you'll see a little hand. Baby G was definitely fist-pumping for his mama!

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