i walked out of my apartment on saturday morning and my eyes started burning. what was that bright, warm light? oh yeah...THE SUN! get this! kevin actually got a sunburn (now tan) on saturday. of course, it has been cloudly again since sunday...but hey, we got a whole day of vitamin d.
during our one day of sunshiny bliss, we dragged my parents and sophia to waterfront village to spend time at the rose festival fairgrounds. although it wasn't my dad's cup of tea, sophia seemed to enjoy herself. to be honest, i think she was a little overwhelmed. there was a petting zoo (really small and stinky), pony rides and an exotic animal display. sophia loved her pony ride! (*i must admit, i felt awful for the ponies. they looked like they hated their lives!) we didn't dare enter the petting zoo - too many kids to climb over. sophia wasn't too into the exotic animal display, either. too many huge snakes and tigers for her liking. she did, however, enjoy seeing the giant turtle and the baby leopard. you could stand in line to hold the baby leopard, but my dad ruled that one out, too. i guess he didn't want anyone to get their eyes gauged out. what a party pooper! my mom and i were overjoyed with our roasted ears of corn we both munched on. sophia loved it, too!
as far as the rides...i wanted to ride the dragon swing but nobody else would ride it with me. so, we resorted to putting sophia on a couple rides. she rode the carousel (with me) and loved watching the horses go up and down. she actually kept staring at the mechanics above her head. i'm amazed at how smart she is already! she wants to take everything apart and know how everything works. what a smart little bee! every time a ride ended she'd respond with "awwwwwww! no done! no done!" :) after the carousel, she rode an airplane ride (again, with me). i was terrified as soon as this little kid airplane took off, we'd tumble to the ground. the carny guy said it'd hold adults too, but i had my doubts. not to mention, i looked like a complete idiot - i'm sure that photo will end up on facebook - but she LOVED it! every time it took a corner, she'd scream and smile! i had to pry her off the airplane ride..,however, i think it traumatized me more than her. her last ride (see photo) was ALL BY HERSELF! i asked her before strapping her in, if it's okay that Auntie Katie doesn't ride with her - she looked at me like "Duh!" she's so independent...i couldn't believe it. she's 2 going on 13! she loves all kinds of trucks and cars so, naturally, she thought she was pretty cool on her own little jeep. every time she'd make a loop, she'd look at all of us with a little smirky grin. she obviously knew she was too cool for school.
we all had a great time doing something outdoors in the sunshine for a change. i'm sure my dad's enjoyment is still debatable, but sometimes you just gotta take one for the team! :)
Sounds like so much fun! Love the pic too! Thanks for convincing your dad to go down there:)