The first step to getting the
things you want out of life is this:
Decide what you want.
Running past this quote couldn't have been better timing than today. Kevin and I are busy "deciding what we want" out of life. It used to be "traveling" or "buying a house" but now, since we've realized those dreams are pretty much unattainable in our current state, a family seems much more appealing. Sure, we could plan to travel, but it wouldn't be for another whole year. There's only so much vacation time (and finances) that can be disposed of in one year. We used to think waiting until we were in our late 20's or early 30's would be perfect kid-creating ages, but we want more out of our lives. Being stuck in this rut is wearing on both of us. We feel like we're still in college, minus the studying and classes. We still have "college furniture" and a "college apartment". We're ready to be grown-ups. So, now...we plan. Making plans to save money (yeah, that'll be interesting) and plans to get out of our dungeon apartment, and plans to start our family. Once we create the plan (shooting for plan execution probably around December), we're going to stick to it come hell or high water. Everybody else around us jumps in feet-first - why can't we? Perhaps we'll remove our "responsibly hats" for a little while. It will all work that (atleast that's what I keep reminding myself).
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