Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.1. When I was in junior high, I would sleep in the bottom of the shower to get in
just ten more minutes. Yes, while the water was going!
2. I hit a pole trying to back out of a parking space in a parking garage. Then I laughed.
3. I will never buy another Volkswagen again. Horrible cars.
4. I can't stand the thought (or the sound) of people sipping their milk after eating their cereal.
5. Every time Kevin and I talk about buying a house, I beg him to get me an overflow bathtub.
6. If I could have a baby today, I would.
7. I love vanilla cake with chocolate frosting, but hate chocolate cake with vanilla frosting.
8. I think it's more important to care about who someone is, than who they sleep with.
9. It devastated me when they ended The OC.
10. I truly believe my Diet Coke tastes better with ice in a coffee mug.
11. I wish I was a bad girl so I could have a bunch of tattoos. Yeah, I could
never pull it off!
12. When I put on deodorant, I put 13 swishes in each pit.
13. I count my stairs in sets of 8.
14. I gag when I have to clean out the lint trap in the dryer.
15. It secretly irritates me when people complain about money. They are the only ones that spend their own money so it's their fault. But I think it's fine when I do it.
16. Because groceries cost so dang much, I try not to eat them for as long as I can.
17. When my eye makeup gets smeared, my loving husband calls me raccoon face.
18. I hate to be touched by people I don't know (ie. the movie theater arm rest).
19. I have an addition to Dawson's Creek re-runs. And, I own the series.
20. I could live off fajitas and baked potatoes.
21. One day I hope to own my own invitation design shop.
22. I can sing. I sing all the time.
23. My husband and I have our kids names picked out.
And...they are already sewn into the stockings we bought for them. Oh geez.
24. Sometimes I think my college degree is a complete joke and waste of time.
25. I judge people by the fonts they choose to use.
TAG! YOU'RE IT [reader]!!