first of all, i apologize for my previous post. kevin said it was pretty rude to put on a blog that his family reads-- ha! ha! honestly, i was just venting. everyone does it. that was the result of my frustration. i didn't actually run anybody over so i think i did pretty well. so there. i apologize. next!
it's been pretty cold here lately. we've been trying to spare using our heater as much as possible for fears of a huge bill at the end of the month. however, i'm also trying to thaw out my toes on occasion. i say "i'm" because if it was up to kevin we would never turn on our heater. or our lights, for that matter. it's always the bare minimum with him. where's the middle between freezing and comfortable?
since we don't have any thanksgiving decorations, we decided to start hanging some of our christmas decorations. our apartment looks really cute. it was fun to pull decorations out of boxes that i've had for over a year, just sitting in a closet. we also looked through our ornament collection. we have a pretty good start. now all i have to do is get those ornament organizers. maybe those will be a christmas gift, considering they are expensive and we're pretty close to broke. ahhh, the joys of newlyweds.
i can already tell that our christmas traditions need to merge. we both need to practice a little bit of give and take. he likes tinsel. me....not so much. he likes all blue lights. me....i like red and white alternating. he likes colored lights on the tree. me...i like white lights. atleast we did finally agree on the star tree topper. our wonderful target find. i stood there in front of the store's endcap staring at him staring at all the stars he could choose from. i told him to pick. and, luckily, he picked the one i was eyeing all along. great minds think alike--most of the time! :) all i know is it will be so much fun making up our own traditions, instead of what we were used to growing up. now we're the grownups in this scenario. YIKES!
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