Friday, July 5, 2013

Claire's New Trick

When she learned to crawl, we cheered and dangled toys to entice her to move farther. When she learned to walk, we cheered and held her hands to steady her way. When she learned to talk, we cheered and encouraged her to use her words. Now, my darling daughter, has a new trick but this one came with a little less flair. Claire has learned to remove her own diaper. During naptime. And pee in her bed. Needless to say, we didn't cheer. Usually during the warm months, we will change her diaper before naptime and put her down in only her diaper and a shirt. She seems to be most comfortable that way. Who wants to sleep in jeans, right!? But now, post-pee incident, we second guess our entire routine. Should we wear pajamas? Do we really have to change her whole outfit just for naptime? Will she be able to pull these down? Will this evolve into every parent's nightmare of a crib and baby covered in baby feces? There are just too many unknowns. So right now, during damage control, we at the very least keep some leggings or pj bottoms on her during naps to distract her from playing with the tabs on her diaper. For fear of her freezing to death in cold, urine-covered sheets all night, we have been dressing her in the zip-up footy pajamas. The two-piece pajamas seem to be acceptable so far but I wouldn't be surprised if one day soon she learns to pull those down, also. I feel so silly for complaining about a her little aggressive tendencies...I can deal with biting a lot better than human waste. Just sayin. That girl keeps us on our toes, that's for sure!

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