During our 3-hour visit, she only had about 3 temper tantrums. In this current phase of her life, three screaming tantrums isn't too bad. Our girl has an opinion and isn't afraid to express it. Today, she chose to share it by kicking, screaming and crying giant alligator tears either because she wanted to play with a toy another kid was already playing with (aka the steering wheel and/or the shopping cart) or because she wanted to go back into the water room every single time we passed it. Every single time. Kevin was so proud to announce his girl is a fish just like her papa! The tantrums, although ear-piercing, are really no big deal. We just ignore her as she screams it out until she gets bored and we move on. People stare and I used to get super self-conscious but now I just let her be. Ahhhh, babies.
But, more about the museum. I'd say her favorite activities were playing in the water room, filling up her cart in the just-her-size grocery store, and making designs in the giant light bright display. She picked up the coordination of pushing those little plastic pegs into the holes really quickly. My smart girl! She also visited the Vroom Room multiple times to drive the school bus and push the buttons to light up the "Stop" and "Walk" signs. I hoped Claire would enjoy working with the clay in the art studio (you know, to prove there is some of me in that child) but she wanted nothing to do with it. Oh yeah, that was tantrum #4. She hated the clay and we just moved right along. *Looks like we can put off the play dough a little longer...
After such a fun family day, I am already trying to figure out a way to add the year membership into the budget. Where there's a will, there's a way! That would be a great weekend spot to meet up with friends for a playdate or for her papa to take her on his days off. I was impressed and cannot wait to take her back again.
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