Just like the 7 well-baby checks before, we assumed Claire's 12-month checkup would send us home with an updated immunization chart, a new set of growth percentiles for the baby book, a clean bill of health and most likely 1-2 samples to try out. Instead, we were sent to the radiology department of Willamette Falls Hospital in Oregon City with little more than a pocket full of worry.
Let's start from the beginning: It was the regular routine check-up. Measuring her height and weight. Checking her ears. Listening to her lungs. Administering immunizations as needed. Question and answer: how many poops per day? how much is she eating? how much is she sleeping? does she still have her binky? does she still take a bottle? how much water does she drink a day? will she take a sippy cup? have you noticed anything odd about her development? any weird reactions to food? do you have any questions? Baby girl passed the test with flying colors. We talked about Claire's lack of speech, but Dr. Nielsen assured me that Claire has been working on her gross motor skills instead and that it will all fall into place with time. Then, Dr. Nielsen asked to see her walk. In just her diaper, I put Claire down and smiled as she showed her peditrician all her latest moves. In that moment, I was completely unaware that she was analyzing and entering notes into my beautiful baby girl's chart.
Has she always had that funny gate to her walk?
What do you mean?
Well, do you see how she tends to lift one leg up higher and her hips kind-of tilt with each step?
Yes. I just thought that was from her still learning. I thought it was cute.
Have you ever noticed that her thigh folds are uneven?
Her what?
Those folds, mid-thigh - they are supposed to be even and symmetrical. That, in combination with the peculiar gate to her step, could be signs of congenital hip dysplasia or other developmental hip problems. I think you should take her to get x-rays done of her hips.
::insert my baffled, blank stare and silence here::
Here you go, as she handed me a referral to a larger hospital capable of capturing images of Claire's hips.
Thirty minutes and about a million calls/texts to my husband, my dad, my mom and Kevin's mom later, I was sitting in the waiting room trying to entertain a tired, hungry toddler while distracting myself enough to keep from google-ing everything that could be possibly wrong. As Kevin says, no good comes of that.
After what seemed like a lifetime, Claire's name was finally called. We made it back to the procedure room and I think the x-ray technician could see the dark, dense worry cloud hanging over my head. He, also a parent with kids that see Dr. Nielsen, asked to see Claire's walk and said I'm no expert, but I don't see anything wrong with her walk - let's take a look! After swearing to the guy about 50 times that I was absolutely not pregnant, he hung a heavy lead jacket across the front of me and said Good, because I need your help. Naked from the diaper down and covered with a folded pillowcase (the sheets were too large), Claire laid on her back in the middle of the adult-sized hospital bed and I held her arms down as the images were taken from a large machine hanging over her little body. I don't think she has ever looked so tiny in that big bed, under those big lights. In that moment, I truly felt helpless. There's nothing wrong with her, I told myself. She's fine.
The technician gave me two thumbs up when he got the images he needed and we were on our way. He told me not to worry, but it was far too late for that. We should get the results in 2-3 days.
On a positive note, here are the new details from her growth:
HEIGHT: 29 and 3/4 inches (71%)
She grew 2 and 1/4 inches in 3 months!
WEIGHT: 19 lbs and 14 oz (30%)
She gained 2 and 1/2 lbs in 3 months!
HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE: 46 centimeters (76%)
Her head grew only one centimeter, but right on track!
Our girl is tall and lean.
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