Thursday, April 19, 2012

Re-committing myself

So you must think I'm a real funny girl, always preaching about intentionality and sticking to commitments yada, yada, yada when my average posts per week continue to slide on a steep downward slope. Then, they just stop coming all together. Can you believe I pull this garbage? I apologize!

Let's just say I may have underestimated just how consumed our lives would become once ruled by an adorable little lady. Throw in a papa working full-time and a mama that works part-time into the mix? Forgetaboutit. But...I'm back! And the excitement is practically oozing from my fingertips onto the keyboard.

I started this blog for a reason and I'm sticking to it. One day, it will serve as beautiful memories of our young family and Claire's life, big milestones and little feats alike. So, other things may fall by the wayside a little, like keeping up on hand-washing all those blasted pump parts and thinking of quirky-but-cute status updates for Facebook. But, such is life. I gotta pick my battles and blogging more regularly is one battle that I am willing to fight for.

Excited? Posts soon to come:
1 month with Claire
2 months with Claire
3 months with Claire
4 months with Claire

and oh! photos!! photos!!!

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