As I get used to this new journey and all that comes along with motherhood, I find myself suffering from sporadic moments of anxiety. Here's a few examples just from today:
1. This morning I rolled over in bed after a post-feeding snooze and expected to see Claire lounging next to me but all I saw was pillows...oh my gosh, did I accidentally smother her with pillows?
2. Browsing the bedding aisle at Target with my cousin Michelle, I looked down in my cart and saw an empty car seat...oh my gosh, where's my baby?
Of course, both situations turned out to be nothing more than a temporary moment of anxiety due to forgetfulness. I forgot that I had placed Claire in her bassinet after her feeding. I forgot that Michelle had taken her out of her carseat to hold her. But, the panic was real enough to get my attention. In fact, now that I think about it, these things happen all the time. I catch a glimpse of the clock...oh my gosh, when did she eat last? I wake up past her typical 4am wake-up call...oh my gosh, do you think she's still breathing? I change a pee-only diaper...oh my gosh, when did she poop last? I hear her cry during my shower...oh my gosh, do you think The Monst is sitting on her? I realize that she's making her hungry cry only one hour after she last ate...oh my gosh, am I not producing enough and starving my child? I occasionally supplement her with formula...oh my gosh, am I a bad mama for not pumping enough breastmilk for this feeding? I wipe the spit-up away from her mouth and clothes...oh my gosh, is that a normal amount or is she sick? She starts crying when she's in her swing...oh my gosh, is she being held enough? Sometimes I even get this overwhelming feeling when I'm away from Claire that I need to get to her as soon as possible (even though she's being well taken care of by her papa). I realize that this anxiety and worrying is normal - just look at any mother no matter how old her child is. She worries, worries about everything! It's probably even a good thing that I have this overwhelming sense of worry as it means I'm thinking of my girl's well-being over everything else. Must be instinct creeping up again. So, I suppose I should just buckle up and get ready for the ride as I have officially been initiated into the Worrying-Mother Club for the remainder of my days. Where's my badge? :)
I'm still waiting for mine. I think we get it when we're sitting at God's feet and he says "well done mama, well done." I love you.