The anticipation of a new baby brings with it a mix of emotions. At times, I'm so focused on getting things accomplished that I can fight off any feelings of exhaustion or emotional defeat. Other times, like this morning, I tend to cry at the drop of a hat. In the shower I cried because I was so tired and my feet were so swollen it hurt to even stand on them. On the way to work I cried because going to work was the last thing I wanted to be doing. At my desk I cried when a coworker asked if I was ready to not be here anymore because I look tired and frazzled and just not quite me. It's crazy how the emotions can get the best of me sometimes when I've never been an overly-emotional person. But I cry the most when I'm thinking of my little girl, about her birth and about the fact that in two short weeks (or sooner) my identity will shift from being a wife, a daughter, a sister and an aunt to all those things plus mama. Like I said, the anticipation is getting the best of me. I'm ready and willing. Now, it's just a matter of waiting for her to be ready, too.
And for her, I'd wait forever.
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