Friday, September 9, 2011

The Great Debate

Are you going to continue working?
Discussions have been in the works regarding if I am going to return to work after the baby is born or if I am going to stay home. It's actually one of my most commonly asked questions. In a perfect world, I'd love to stay home. Who wouldn't!?! Growing up with a stay at home mom was the best, in my opinion. Of course, my opinion is completely biased considering I don't really know any different. But, unfortunately, my daily life does not exist in a perfect world.

Can you really afford it?
There are bills to be paid, a college education to be planned for, mouths to be fed, people to clothe, a new baby to care for, medical/dental co-pays to anticipate, cars to be maintained, etc. That said, quitting my job from a financial standpoint is just not in the cards. Plus, I carry really great state-paid health insurance for Kevin, the baby and myself. It would almost be foolish to give that up. So, we've had to get creative. Keeping all of those responsibilities in mind, Kevin and I have mutually decided that he will continue to work full-time and I will make an attempt at working part-time. I refer to it as an attempt because there are several things that need to fall into place in order for our plan to work:

1. Financial stability
2. Work cooperation
3. Avoiding debt (and dipping into savings)
4. Part-time childcare

What will working part-time look like?
It has always been a goal of mine to be very present in my child's life. Because I had such a great experience having my mom available to me growing up, I have always wanted to do the same. Considering our plan, I think the balance of staying home 5 days per week and working 2 days per week will allow me the freedom to accomplish things in my career world while continuing to feel like I have an active role in my child's life. Kevin agrees and would like the same things I do.

But what about childcare?
In an ideal situation, Kevin will hopefully gain a fixed regular day off so we can plan for one of my days at work to be the day he's at home with the baby. If his work will allow it, then we would only need to plan child care for one day per week. Whether that's a friend, family member or child care facility, one day per week is a lot more manageable and cost effective. Especially for our limited budget.

It's still up in the air.
Nothing has been decided for sure yet. I still have discussions to be had at work. However, it does look like things will work out in that area. We are still looking for a place to rent so considering a new payment and utilities into the budget is another factor that needs to be considered. Thankfully, we are good savers and do understand the value of money. It is not our plan to dip into our savings every month to make ends meet. Ultimately, we rest easy in knowing that we still have a little bit of time. In the end, my little perfect angel Claire Madison Garvey will be here and everything else will just fall into place. It always does.

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