Thursday, August 4, 2011

Do I look like a magic lamp?

Since before ever becoming pregnant, I knew I would hate this aspect of pregnancy: random people touching me. Why do people insist on touching a pregnant belly? Do I look like Buddha? Do I look like a magic lamp that, if you rub my belly, a genie is going to pop out and grant you three wishes? It's just so bizarre. In no other situation would it be ok to walk up to someone you barely know and touch their stomach (or any other body part!). Boundaries, people. So...why now? My bulging mid-section is seriously becoming a magnet for wandering hands. Honestly, it makes me uncomfortable. Even if it's somebody I know, I have to brace myself. Grandmas? Yes, of course it's ok. They have an unwritten right. My husband? No question about it. Friends and other mothers (that I know)? Sure. Strangers in the supermarket? Oh hell no. Hasn't anyone ever warned you about stranger danger!? The least you could do is ask first. And this isn't a new development...I've always been like this.

Once, at a nail salon pre-pregnancy, I smacked my head on the manicure table when trying to reach for my purse. The salon tech reached out and rubbed the side of my cheek. Sure, she was trying to be nice and motherly but I almost flipped a biscuit! I was so in shock I couldn't really enjoy the rest of my manicure. All I could do was wonder how clean her hands really were and when I could wash my face.

So, naturally, the first time someone touched my growing pregnant belly was traumatic. I remember everything about that moment. It was July 28th, a Thursday. It was a dark and stormy, just joking. But it was a moment I'll always remember. I actually felt my right hand clench into a fist completely on it's own. I wasn't consciously willing it into formation. Of course I'm not going to haul-off and smack someone but something deep inside braced myself for just that. Maybe I'm a little sensitive but everybody has their pet peeves. This is one obstacle I'm going to have to face head-on for the next 4.5 months. Let's just's going to be a challenge. Kevin jokingly suggests I start wearing a shirt that says "Don't Touch" hahaha!

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