Many women read books when they become pregnant that list the plethora of activities you can no longer do, the foods you can no longer eat and the chemicals you should no longer come in contact with. In addition to the list, my husband has come up with his own set of rules that he thinks are going to protect me and the baby. I thought I'd share his new set of rules for my life:
1. NO BLEACH. This one is pretty tricky when it comes to doing laundry. I use bleach in my white loads, as I try to keep them looking bright. According to Kevin, the scent of bleach is very harmful for me and baby, even if it is only for a second while I pour and drop it in the load. Thus, if I need to put bleach in the washing machine or even spot-treat a garment, he must assist. "Assist" meaning he turns on the fan, he measures and pours the bleach and I am at least one foot outside the laundry room door. Sometimes, I find myself hiding it...much like sneaking a cig so your spouse won't find out. Afterward, I make sure to wash my hands so he can't smell the bleach on me. A little silly if you ask me.
2. NO DISINFECTING WIPES. So, now that I know I am not allowed to wipe down the counters in the bathroom I feel a really big urge to. Guess I'll have to get Kevin to do so. Oh well, no sweat off my back. Looks like I have a new cleaning buddy :)
3. NO NAIL POLISH OR NAIL POLISH REMOVER. I don't follow this one very often, but I will listen to his spiel. Sorry, Kevin, but I have to do whatever I can to doctor up these Fred Flintstone feet. Even Baby Claire doesn't want to be embarrassed by those suckers.
4. NO GOING OUTSIDE ALONE AT NIGHT. This rule isn't a problem. According to Kevin, pregnant women are at a slightly higher risk than non-pregnant women when alone in public. Why his rule is only at night? I'm not sure. But, since I am already paranoid and I don't particularly want to be stalked by a crazy baby snatcher, I have no problem following this rule. Unless, of course, it's to go outside to water the plants. There has to be some give and take.
5. FILL UP AT A QUARTER TANK. This rule is tough for me. I tend to push my car to the limit with the gas gauge. I just don't like to fill up my tank. It's depressing. All that money going down the drain, basically. So I avoid it at all costs. Now that I am pregnant, Kevin says I must fill up each and every time I reach a quarter of a tank. His thinking is that he doesn't want me to go into labor and have to stop at the gas station or get stranded on the side of the street when I should be at the hospital. I explained to him that I will not be driving myself to the hospital when in labor, but he's always thinking of the emergency situations. It makes sense. But it's still hard.
6. NO CAFFEINE. Surprisingly, I've done really well with this rule. Instead of just switching to caffeine-free Diet Coke (mainly because it tastes like liquid cardboard), I highly restricted my soda intake completely. If I am going to drink soda, it's either root beer or 7up (both are naturally caffeine free). Thankfully, I've never been much of a coffee drinker and switching to caffeine-free tea hasn't been a problem.
7. NO SOFT CHEESES. Now I just think this rule is stupid. It's not like I eat brie everyday. The only soft cheese I really consume (and I'm not even sure if it's actually considered a soft cheese) is blue cheese and the occasional cream cheese on a bagel. If the argument is that soft cheese is not pasteurized so it's not suitable for pregnant women, I do not agree. My cream cheese says right on the package that it's pasteurized. And the small amount of blue cheese dressing I happen to eat maybe twice a month is not enough to do anything. Sorry, Kevin, but this one is a no-go.
8. NO BIKE RIDING. Kevin's thinking is that pregnant women lose their balance easily and falling from a bicycle could really injure the baby or myself. I agree. And, since I don't even own a bike, this rule doesn't really apply.
I'm sure there are many more than just 8. This is just all my pregnant brain can think of at the moment. Mama's getting tired.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Just Between Friends
There is going to be a fabulous baby sale coming up for all you fabulous baby mama's. It's the nation's leading childrens and maternity consignment sales event ever right here in our backyard! The Just Between Friends Sale at the Portland Expo Center September 17-18 from is going to be a blast! Here's the info:
Portland Expo Center - Hall A
1st time parents presale:
Friday, Sept 16 at 2.30pm
Open to the public:
Saturday, Sept 17 from 9am-4pm
Sunday, Sept 18 (9am-2pm)
*Please bring shopping bags to take home your masses of goods for baby*
*They accept cash, debit cards, MasterCard and Visa (ATM on site)*
But here's the kicker...all first time parents get in one day early to shop and save! Well, technically, all first time mama's get in one day early plus one guest. That could be the baby daddy or, if he's not too keen on shopping, a mother-soon-to-be-grandma will definitely make a great shopping buddy. But you must sign up to be allowed into the pre-sale. In order to sign up for the pre-sale (which I've already done and is completely free, click here. I believe they will also send you an email reminder when the event date gets closer.
Let me know if you have any questions! Hope to see you there. I'm pretty excited about this one!!
Portland Expo Center - Hall A
1st time parents presale:
Friday, Sept 16 at 2.30pm
Open to the public:
Saturday, Sept 17 from 9am-4pm
Sunday, Sept 18 (9am-2pm)
*Please bring shopping bags to take home your masses of goods for baby*
*They accept cash, debit cards, MasterCard and Visa (ATM on site)*
But here's the kicker...all first time parents get in one day early to shop and save! Well, technically, all first time mama's get in one day early plus one guest. That could be the baby daddy or, if he's not too keen on shopping, a mother-soon-to-be-grandma will definitely make a great shopping buddy. But you must sign up to be allowed into the pre-sale. In order to sign up for the pre-sale (which I've already done and is completely free, click here. I believe they will also send you an email reminder when the event date gets closer.
Let me know if you have any questions! Hope to see you there. I'm pretty excited about this one!!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Let me just say...
I did it. I made myself do it. I tried on my pre-pregnancy jeans and...dun dun dun...they fit like a glove! No sucking in. No bulging. No laying down to make them button. They still fit perfectly at 6 months pregnant. I must say, I am very proud of myself. I am hoping this is a sign that I won't gain very much during this pregnancy. It seems to be a big issue for some but hasn't been for me so far. Knock on wood.
After my high-five from the husband, he mentioned they still fit great and I could still wear them everyday if I wanted. But that's the thing...why wear those jeans when maternity jeans exist!? It's like when people say that high heels look cute but were basically created by the devil to torture women's feet. That whole idea that beauty is pain. Well, not for me, especially now. Heels may have been invented by the devil but I am convinced that maternity jeans are woven by the angels in heaven. Amidst all the nausea, exhaustion, mood swings and swollen body parts, they are the silver lining. So ridiculously comfy. I may never go back.
Anyway, this post is basically pointless to most but exciting for me. It needed to be documented. Well, actually, I just needed to tell someone. And perfect chocolate cake is done! ;)
After my high-five from the husband, he mentioned they still fit great and I could still wear them everyday if I wanted. But that's the thing...why wear those jeans when maternity jeans exist!? It's like when people say that high heels look cute but were basically created by the devil to torture women's feet. That whole idea that beauty is pain. Well, not for me, especially now. Heels may have been invented by the devil but I am convinced that maternity jeans are woven by the angels in heaven. Amidst all the nausea, exhaustion, mood swings and swollen body parts, they are the silver lining. So ridiculously comfy. I may never go back.
Anyway, this post is basically pointless to most but exciting for me. It needed to be documented. Well, actually, I just needed to tell someone. And perfect chocolate cake is done! ;)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
The Bump
After many requests, it's finally been caught on camera. The baby bump. Here we are, mama and baby Garvey, visiting Multnomah Falls on Sunday, August 27, 2011 at 24.5 weeks pregnant. Photo courtesy of the Papa.
I must say, I have mixed feelings about this photo. I don't like the lighting, the angle is not the most flattering, I can't believe how H U G E my boobs have already gotten, I look super washed-out, etc. But I also think I look really happy. Probably because I am. Then again, maybe this photo really isn't so bad.
Dear Claire,
Even though my feet swell until my toes look like little smokies and I get tired easier, I still love carrying you around with me. I wouldn't trade it for the world. We'll go back to Multnomah Falls again one day.
Your mama
I must say, I have mixed feelings about this photo. I don't like the lighting, the angle is not the most flattering, I can't believe how H U G E my boobs have already gotten, I look super washed-out, etc. But I also think I look really happy. Probably because I am. Then again, maybe this photo really isn't so bad.

Even though my feet swell until my toes look like little smokies and I get tired easier, I still love carrying you around with me. I wouldn't trade it for the world. We'll go back to Multnomah Falls again one day.
Your mama
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Finding a place to nest...
The ache for home lives in all of us,
the safe place where we can go as we are
and not be questioned."
It's that time again. After a short hiatus, we're itching to have our own place again so we can set up the baby's room and get all her stuff organized. She's going to be here before we know it. My parents have generously hosted us and the Monst for the majority of the summer and it has been great! All the money that has been saved has definitely made living out of boxes and keeping 99% of our stuff in storage worthwhile. Going into 2012 as our 8th year of moving and rentals (it all started in college), we are adamant about finding the perfect home this time. No more moving every 9, 10 or 12 months. We are thinking of our baby and the fact that we want to create a home for her to grow up in until we decide we are ready to buy a house. A stable, safe and loving home - that is our main goal.
Our last place was definitely perfect for us at the time. The experience gave us the opportunity to learn what we really wanted and didn't want in our future rental or house purchase. It fit our small family, the tiny yard was great for the Monst, we learned to maneuver through the cracker-jack-box kitchen with two people with minimal burns and our neighbors mostly kept to themselves. Then, once Kevin's car was broken into and I saw a dead body being wheeled off the neighbor's front porch, I was done. Hopefully, this next experience will be a more positive one. Baby Claire deserves it.
Given the economy, I am surprised at the lack of good deals to be found regarding rentals. Currently, most people are dying to get out from under their mortgage so you would think they would offer up a rental agreement not to make extra money, but to keep them from losing everything. Perhaps that isn't the case? The rent for most homes in the area(s) wewant are willing to live in and that include the lengthy list of our demands is rather steep compared to what we would pay for an apartment or our previous duplex. We've been researching the market to see what is out there and it seems to be slim pickings. We need a 3 bedroom, preferably one-story, with a fenced yard for the dog. It has to allow pets (obviously), be in a safe and somewhat quiet neighborhood and have a reasonable lease. Once we finally do find something we like that that checks all (or most of) the boxes off our list, it's either in a bad neighborhood, too pricey for our budget or has just been recently rented. This whole find-a-house-before-baby may be harder than we anticipated given our current incomes. Fortunately, we both feel very lucky to be sitting where we are. We both have stable jobs, we have a fantastic marriage and we are going to have a baby. What more could you really ask for? Except mayyyybe a rental house with 2 bathrooms. 2 bathrooms would be oh-so-nice!
And the search continues...
the safe place where we can go as we are
and not be questioned."
It's that time again. After a short hiatus, we're itching to have our own place again so we can set up the baby's room and get all her stuff organized. She's going to be here before we know it. My parents have generously hosted us and the Monst for the majority of the summer and it has been great! All the money that has been saved has definitely made living out of boxes and keeping 99% of our stuff in storage worthwhile. Going into 2012 as our 8th year of moving and rentals (it all started in college), we are adamant about finding the perfect home this time. No more moving every 9, 10 or 12 months. We are thinking of our baby and the fact that we want to create a home for her to grow up in until we decide we are ready to buy a house. A stable, safe and loving home - that is our main goal.
Our last place was definitely perfect for us at the time. The experience gave us the opportunity to learn what we really wanted and didn't want in our future rental or house purchase. It fit our small family, the tiny yard was great for the Monst, we learned to maneuver through the cracker-jack-box kitchen with two people with minimal burns and our neighbors mostly kept to themselves. Then, once Kevin's car was broken into and I saw a dead body being wheeled off the neighbor's front porch, I was done. Hopefully, this next experience will be a more positive one. Baby Claire deserves it.
Given the economy, I am surprised at the lack of good deals to be found regarding rentals. Currently, most people are dying to get out from under their mortgage so you would think they would offer up a rental agreement not to make extra money, but to keep them from losing everything. Perhaps that isn't the case? The rent for most homes in the area(s) we
And the search continues...
Thursday, August 25, 2011
In a nutshell? All is good!
My six month doctor's appointment went off without a hitch today. My blood pressure is still good, a little lower than usual, but good. Doc didn't tell me what the baby's heart BPM was, but it sounded strong and healthy. Judging by her rustling around in there, she seems happy and healthy. I was measured for the first time today and doc says everything is measuring right on track. My weight did go up a few pounds this time around but it's still well below what it was when I first got pregnant. I always said gaining weight wouldn't be a big issue because it's supposed to happen when you're pregnant, but now that the scale is slowly creeping up, it does make me think twice about my eating habits. Whoever said you're eating for two when you're pregnant was making up excuses to pig out :) I eat what I normally would with the exception of more snacking on fresh fruits and veggies (annnd a few peanut butter m&m's here and there). Doc says whatever I've been doing has been working out great for me and the baby. Of course, I didn't tell her about the huge piece of cherry cheesecake I scarfed down on our anniversary or the Panda Express I had for dinner last night :) Hey, you never know what you're gonna crave next! But, I digress...the rest of the appointment was back and forth discussion about my concerns at this point in my pregnancy with Dr Johnson. At this point, I don't have many questions so she told us since the baby is now 24 weeks and at a viable age, she could potentially live if I were to deliver early. Of course, it would be risky and nobody wants that but it's good to know. Basically, she said we need to get our ducks in a row now. It's almost game time. We are going to schedule our birthing classes, my water aerobics classes and get a tour of the labor and delivery ward in asap. Better to be safe than sorry is her thinking. She also gave me the warning signs of premature labor and told me if at any point I think something is wrong, to trust my instincts and just come in. Not a problem! I'm paranoid anyway...I get it from my parents!
On the way home, Kevin and I were talking about my pregnancy thus far and the fact that we both can't believe I'm already at six months. Even though I was sick in the beginning, I've been really blessed with a good pregnancy. No major complications, no scares, etc. If it continues this way until the end, I am going to be one lucky mama. God has given me such peace of mind over the whole situation. I am enjoying being as calm as a cucumber. I just know that it's all in His hands and I'm reminded of that daily. In fact, our next appointment at 28 weeks is going to be the glucose test dun-dun-dun. Basically, I have to drink 8 oz of super concentrated corn-syrup mixed with flat, orange soda on a practically empty stomach, wait an hour then have my blood drawn. This test will tell me if my body can process all the sugar or if I have gestational diabetes. Normally, I would be panicking over the fact that I could even be at risk for gestational diabetes (even though they give this test to every one) and be fretting for a whole month over having my blood drawn, but I'm not worried about either. I trust that my baby and I are in God's hands and that He will take care of us. It's not up to me to worry...that's His job. I'm too busy cooking this little being and contemplating nursery paint colors.
On the way home, Kevin and I were talking about my pregnancy thus far and the fact that we both can't believe I'm already at six months. Even though I was sick in the beginning, I've been really blessed with a good pregnancy. No major complications, no scares, etc. If it continues this way until the end, I am going to be one lucky mama. God has given me such peace of mind over the whole situation. I am enjoying being as calm as a cucumber. I just know that it's all in His hands and I'm reminded of that daily. In fact, our next appointment at 28 weeks is going to be the glucose test dun-dun-dun. Basically, I have to drink 8 oz of super concentrated corn-syrup mixed with flat, orange soda on a practically empty stomach, wait an hour then have my blood drawn. This test will tell me if my body can process all the sugar or if I have gestational diabetes. Normally, I would be panicking over the fact that I could even be at risk for gestational diabetes (even though they give this test to every one) and be fretting for a whole month over having my blood drawn, but I'm not worried about either. I trust that my baby and I are in God's hands and that He will take care of us. It's not up to me to worry...that's His job. I'm too busy cooking this little being and contemplating nursery paint colors.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
6 months
As of this coming Thursday, August 25, I have been pregnant for half-of-a-year. And I'm pretty sure that's the fastest half-of-a-year that I've ever experienced! I have to admit..the six-month mark kind of snuck up on me. Perhaps I've been too busy (and tired) to really notice. Three months seemed big because that meant I was going to be telling people soon. But, when four months and five months passed without any real significance, I didn't think much about my progress. Now, to say that I am six months pregnant makes it seem so official. This is really happening, people!
Everyday I add to my list of things I want to accomplish. I go over and over the list in my head while at work, but when it comes down to actually getting anything done (and I mean anything), I just simply don't feel like it. The clothes are overflowing in the hamper, but I just don't feel like doing laundry. I can't even tell you the last time I washed our sheets or vaccuumed our room! Hopefully my poor husband won't be forced to start going commando ;) Our bathroom needs a scrub down but it doesn't seem very appealing to me when I actively think of doing it. Plus, the smell of bleach is enough to make the Pregs gag. And organizing my room? Forgetaboutit. I have the desire to go visit my nieces, but I'm just too tired. I love the feeling of checking things off my to-do list but lately, the boxes are left unmarked and I'm lucky if I even find the energy to make it to work on time (keyword: on time). What's going to happen when I'm 8 months along?
I'm also finding myself fighting off the intense urge to organize the baby things (most of which I don't even have yet) and get her nursery set up. Considering we're not even in a rental right now, that's nearly impossible. I guess this is considered the nesting phase. So far, I'm failing. Usually I'd say something positive like "oh, it's okay...we have plenty of time" but at 6 months, I am starting to feel the pressure. Where oh where does the time go?
Everyday I add to my list of things I want to accomplish. I go over and over the list in my head while at work, but when it comes down to actually getting anything done (and I mean anything), I just simply don't feel like it. The clothes are overflowing in the hamper, but I just don't feel like doing laundry. I can't even tell you the last time I washed our sheets or vaccuumed our room! Hopefully my poor husband won't be forced to start going commando ;) Our bathroom needs a scrub down but it doesn't seem very appealing to me when I actively think of doing it. Plus, the smell of bleach is enough to make the Pregs gag. And organizing my room? Forgetaboutit. I have the desire to go visit my nieces, but I'm just too tired. I love the feeling of checking things off my to-do list but lately, the boxes are left unmarked and I'm lucky if I even find the energy to make it to work on time (keyword: on time). What's going to happen when I'm 8 months along?
I'm also finding myself fighting off the intense urge to organize the baby things (most of which I don't even have yet) and get her nursery set up. Considering we're not even in a rental right now, that's nearly impossible. I guess this is considered the nesting phase. So far, I'm failing. Usually I'd say something positive like "oh, it's okay...we have plenty of time" but at 6 months, I am starting to feel the pressure. Where oh where does the time go?
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
She's gonna be bright, clear and famous!
My daughter, that is.
After much deliberation, practice using it and pressure from the grandma's to reveal it, we've decided to name our daughter Claire. From the latin root, it means "bright, clear, famous." I like it. Traditional, not very common these days. She probably won't have another child in her class named Claire. Simple, clear, and to the point. Easy to read. Easy to write. Easy to pronounce. Semi-easy to spell. It's feminine but not overly girly. Looks pretty in traditional writing and cursive. You can tell by hearing it and looking at the written word that it's referring to a girl. It sounds good with Katie and Kevin. We actually didn't plan to choose another K-sounding name but it just worked out that way. Best of all, it sounds great with Garvey!
The middle name, you ask? Oh, the middle name. That's been more of a challenge. {Why do we need middle names in the first place? Isn't it just so our parents have something to shout when they're upset!?} Anyway, we have had a place-holder middle name for quite some time: Rose. Claire Rose. I think it's beautiful. Kevin thinks it runs together too much. He doesn't like that both names are only one syllable. I also offered up Claire Alexis, but Kevin wasn't sold. Then we jumped from Alexis to Alison to Addison and finally arrived on Madison. We both liked it, so that's a start. It took us a while to decide 100%. We practiced saying the name, writing the name, shouting the name, imagining calling her by name. And, it just sort of stuck. We tossed around a couple other last-minute ideas, but Madison was the definite middle-name winner. Maybe we'll change our minds at the last minute or once we see her. Who knows? But as of now, her name will be:
It's fun to think about our little girl Claire Madison. It's even more fun to call her by name.
After much deliberation, practice using it and pressure from the grandma's to reveal it, we've decided to name our daughter Claire. From the latin root, it means "bright, clear, famous." I like it. Traditional, not very common these days. She probably won't have another child in her class named Claire. Simple, clear, and to the point. Easy to read. Easy to write. Easy to pronounce. Semi-easy to spell. It's feminine but not overly girly. Looks pretty in traditional writing and cursive. You can tell by hearing it and looking at the written word that it's referring to a girl. It sounds good with Katie and Kevin. We actually didn't plan to choose another K-sounding name but it just worked out that way. Best of all, it sounds great with Garvey!
The middle name, you ask? Oh, the middle name. That's been more of a challenge. {Why do we need middle names in the first place? Isn't it just so our parents have something to shout when they're upset!?} Anyway, we have had a place-holder middle name for quite some time: Rose. Claire Rose. I think it's beautiful. Kevin thinks it runs together too much. He doesn't like that both names are only one syllable. I also offered up Claire Alexis, but Kevin wasn't sold. Then we jumped from Alexis to Alison to Addison and finally arrived on Madison. We both liked it, so that's a start. It took us a while to decide 100%. We practiced saying the name, writing the name, shouting the name, imagining calling her by name. And, it just sort of stuck. We tossed around a couple other last-minute ideas, but Madison was the definite middle-name winner. Maybe we'll change our minds at the last minute or once we see her. Who knows? But as of now, her name will be:
It's fun to think about our little girl Claire Madison. It's even more fun to call her by name.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Don't blink.
Sometimes, I look around and can't believe these shoes I'm walking in are mine. When did I get here? How did I make it to this point in my life? It doesn't seem like this swollen belly should fit on the body I remember myself wearing. How did that finger on my left hand, the one that was empty for so long, finally become filled? When did my slender face fill out and my eyesight require glasses? When did I start shopping at Motherhood Maternity? Are those the beginning of crows feet around my eyes and laugh lines surrounding my mouth? Who is this person I see in the mirror? My high school days are still so vivid in my mind, it seems as if I fell asleep one day in my purple room in the basement after volleyball practice and woke up in someone else's body. My braces are gone just like my awkward stage, my cheerleading uniform, my personal phone line, my high school boyfriends and my red mustang. All the sudden, I am wearing a 26 year old body that doesn't quite fit. My friends are married or in serious relationships or divorced. They have babies. They have mortgages and grown-up jobs. They worry about taxes and laws and politics and world peace. The biggest decision of the day isn't whose house we're going to meet up at on Friday night or who would be crowned honor court. I never imagined what it would be like in this stage of my life. To be an adult. To be married. To be pregnant. Here I am, still remembering what it's like to be a child, growing and nurturing my own child. Life sure goes faster than you think.
I look at my niece Sophia and - she's a little girl. She can carry on conversations. She knows what Starbucks is. She has personal preferences and opinions. When did that happen? And Peyton? She's starting to talk, she can walk and we can see her own personality shining through. When did she grow all those curls and lose her baby fat? I wish I could just slow down the clock a little. I want them to just stay little. The days of sports and boys, makeup and mean girls at school is too close for comfort. And I'm only the auntie! As they get older, I feel older. I used to be the child in the niece-aunt scenario. What a trip. All this thinking makes me realize that time is going to propel forward even faster when it's my baby. When I'm the mom. It's going to fly by in the blink of an eye. One day, she'll be going to kindergarten then her first day of high school, driving herself home from volleyball practice and waking up as a 26-year-old woman. A married, college graduate carrying her own baby. My goal is just to let her be little for as long as she and I (and time) will allow. I want to soak up all those little moments with her. The sleepless nights, the sweaty-baby snuggling sessions, feeding her belly the way only a mother can do, all the little coos, sleepy smiles and milk-drunk heavy eyelids. I want to always remember what it's like in those first moments, days and weeks of her life as we are getting to know one another. Sure, they will be exhausting. An adjustment to say the least. But the magic of those little moments will soften the edges. And eventually, the edges will unravel as she grows to become the woman I dream of her to be. I'm already head-over-heels and I haven't even seen her face. Lord only knows how my heart will change when I finally do.
I look at my niece Sophia and - she's a little girl. She can carry on conversations. She knows what Starbucks is. She has personal preferences and opinions. When did that happen? And Peyton? She's starting to talk, she can walk and we can see her own personality shining through. When did she grow all those curls and lose her baby fat? I wish I could just slow down the clock a little. I want them to just stay little. The days of sports and boys, makeup and mean girls at school is too close for comfort. And I'm only the auntie! As they get older, I feel older. I used to be the child in the niece-aunt scenario. What a trip. All this thinking makes me realize that time is going to propel forward even faster when it's my baby. When I'm the mom. It's going to fly by in the blink of an eye. One day, she'll be going to kindergarten then her first day of high school, driving herself home from volleyball practice and waking up as a 26-year-old woman. A married, college graduate carrying her own baby. My goal is just to let her be little for as long as she and I (and time) will allow. I want to soak up all those little moments with her. The sleepless nights, the sweaty-baby snuggling sessions, feeding her belly the way only a mother can do, all the little coos, sleepy smiles and milk-drunk heavy eyelids. I want to always remember what it's like in those first moments, days and weeks of her life as we are getting to know one another. Sure, they will be exhausting. An adjustment to say the least. But the magic of those little moments will soften the edges. And eventually, the edges will unravel as she grows to become the woman I dream of her to be. I'm already head-over-heels and I haven't even seen her face. Lord only knows how my heart will change when I finally do.
Monday, August 15, 2011
23 weeks and counting!
At one inch shy of a ruler and just over 1 pound, Baby Girl Garvey is using any chance she gets to practice her kicking skills against her mama's abdomen. Maybe I'm growing the next Mia Hamm in my tum tum? My soccer fanatic husband would love that. The college scholarship I picture in the future would also be a nice bonus. Just as my baby books have predicted, I'm starting to notice a pattern to her movements. When I'm really hungry and once I start eating, she's really active. When I get to work in the morning from about 8am-9am, she's really active. At night, just before bed, especially if I'm on my left side, she's really active. Other times, completely out of the blue, she'll just nail me as a reminder that she's in there. That's my favorite type of kick :)
According to, it's encouraged that the mama dance whenever the mood strikes. The baby's sense of movement is now developed enough to feel my swings and sways. This makes me very excited considering I think it's adorable when little kids dance. They have no regard for what others think of their moves, but instead just boogie down to their own beat. I appreciate their confidence. There's really nothing cuter. I want my little girl to move and groove when I play music so I better start now. Dance par-tay at my place!
Monster may not be aware that a little baby is coming to join the family (and pull on her tail), but baby is probably well aware of her furry friend. The baby's ears are growing increasingly more sensitive to noises outside the womb, especially the repetitive noises such as the vacuum, car horns and barking dogs. Hopefully hearing those sounds inside the womb will bring her a little more comfort knowing she's heard them prior to entering the outside world.
What's that bling-bling you ask? Kevin and I splurged (not really!) on a gaudy, fake diamond ring. Since I am looking increasingly more pregnant with each passing day and I have a baby face, I figure it's a good idea that I still wear my wedding ring (even if it's not really my wedding ring). I can feel the disapproving stares of the elderly when we're out-and-about because I look like a knocked up thirteen year old. Oh, the woes of having a young face. Like my mama says, I'll appreciate looking young when I'm older. But for now, my real wedding ring is safely tucked away (except for when I slip it on to watch it sparkle and remove it before my finger swells to take it captive) and I'm rocking a huge, 3-stone that just screams look at me. Up close, you can tell it's a faker but hey, it's fun...and when else can I get away with it? Now let's just hope it won't turn my finger green.
One of two baby showers is currently being planned. The first will be a Family Shower late in September hosted by the two Grandmas. The second will be a Friends Shower in mid-October hosted by my sister-in-law Lindsi, my BFF from high school Kristen and my cousin Michelle. I'm so excited for both I could just scream. Fortunately, we are basically done registering so that can be checked off the list. There are only a few items that need to be researched and decided upon: the crib (and accessory bar), crib mattress, crib sheets, a mobile, dresser, changing table (or changing pad holder), changing pad, changing pad sheets, an extra car seat base, fabric for crib bedding set, crib bedding set pattern and a rocking chair. Sheesh! I must have just been dreaming that we were almost done. Better get busy!
According to, it's encouraged that the mama dance whenever the mood strikes. The baby's sense of movement is now developed enough to feel my swings and sways. This makes me very excited considering I think it's adorable when little kids dance. They have no regard for what others think of their moves, but instead just boogie down to their own beat. I appreciate their confidence. There's really nothing cuter. I want my little girl to move and groove when I play music so I better start now. Dance par-tay at my place!
Monster may not be aware that a little baby is coming to join the family (and pull on her tail), but baby is probably well aware of her furry friend. The baby's ears are growing increasingly more sensitive to noises outside the womb, especially the repetitive noises such as the vacuum, car horns and barking dogs. Hopefully hearing those sounds inside the womb will bring her a little more comfort knowing she's heard them prior to entering the outside world.
What's that bling-bling you ask? Kevin and I splurged (not really!) on a gaudy, fake diamond ring. Since I am looking increasingly more pregnant with each passing day and I have a baby face, I figure it's a good idea that I still wear my wedding ring (even if it's not really my wedding ring). I can feel the disapproving stares of the elderly when we're out-and-about because I look like a knocked up thirteen year old. Oh, the woes of having a young face. Like my mama says, I'll appreciate looking young when I'm older. But for now, my real wedding ring is safely tucked away (except for when I slip it on to watch it sparkle and remove it before my finger swells to take it captive) and I'm rocking a huge, 3-stone that just screams look at me. Up close, you can tell it's a faker but hey, it's fun...and when else can I get away with it? Now let's just hope it won't turn my finger green.
One of two baby showers is currently being planned. The first will be a Family Shower late in September hosted by the two Grandmas. The second will be a Friends Shower in mid-October hosted by my sister-in-law Lindsi, my BFF from high school Kristen and my cousin Michelle. I'm so excited for both I could just scream. Fortunately, we are basically done registering so that can be checked off the list. There are only a few items that need to be researched and decided upon: the crib (and accessory bar), crib mattress, crib sheets, a mobile, dresser, changing table (or changing pad holder), changing pad, changing pad sheets, an extra car seat base, fabric for crib bedding set, crib bedding set pattern and a rocking chair. Sheesh! I must have just been dreaming that we were almost done. Better get busy!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Dear Dad,
You stole my Snapple this weekend and then confessed. And I don't even care. I think it's funny that you're so excited about such big things like Mango Madness Snapple and Grape G2. Thanks for reminding me that it's the little things in life.
Dear Sophia,
You battled the couch. And the couch won. But you're a trooper and, I must say, you look pretty tough with that shiner.
Auntie Katie
Dear Employees at Subway on the Expressway,
You make sandwiches for a living. You're not curing cancer. Why don't you try to smile? And yes, when I say more cucumbers, I mean more cucumbers. Hasn't anyone ever told you not to mess with a Preg's lunch?
Dear Grandma K & Grandma B,
Thanks for all the attention my baby girl got this weekend. She's barely halfway baked and is already so loved. She's one lucky goose with two grandma's like you!
Dear Baby Girl,
You kick me multiple times every day. So much so that I'm starting to see a pattern. It's like you're saying "hey! don't forget about me!" and I love it. I keep telling your daddy that I want you out now, but he explains that I must let you cook until you get a little bigger and a little cuter. For the record, I already think you're cute.
Your mama
Dear Boog,
Before we met, I'd never eaten Thai food, I'd never had naked dance parties in the living room with a boy (so fun!) and I never really knew what it meant to say sorry. Thanks for teaching me so much. You're my best friend.
You stole my Snapple this weekend and then confessed. And I don't even care. I think it's funny that you're so excited about such big things like Mango Madness Snapple and Grape G2. Thanks for reminding me that it's the little things in life.
Dear Sophia,
You battled the couch. And the couch won. But you're a trooper and, I must say, you look pretty tough with that shiner.
Auntie Katie
Dear Employees at Subway on the Expressway,
You make sandwiches for a living. You're not curing cancer. Why don't you try to smile? And yes, when I say more cucumbers, I mean more cucumbers. Hasn't anyone ever told you not to mess with a Preg's lunch?
Dear Grandma K & Grandma B,
Thanks for all the attention my baby girl got this weekend. She's barely halfway baked and is already so loved. She's one lucky goose with two grandma's like you!
Dear Baby Girl,
You kick me multiple times every day. So much so that I'm starting to see a pattern. It's like you're saying "hey! don't forget about me!" and I love it. I keep telling your daddy that I want you out now, but he explains that I must let you cook until you get a little bigger and a little cuter. For the record, I already think you're cute.
Your mama
Dear Boog,
Before we met, I'd never eaten Thai food, I'd never had naked dance parties in the living room with a boy (so fun!) and I never really knew what it meant to say sorry. Thanks for teaching me so much. You're my best friend.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
One step closer.
As of last Monday evening, we've created our baby registries at Target and Babies-R-Us. I don't think I've ever seen Kevin more excited about shooting a scanner gun in my life. Not even for the wedding! And...let me just can something so small need so much? It literally feels like we were being greedy but honestly, we didn't register for half the stuff a lot of couples do. Thankfully, some items have already been given to us or purchased in good condition at garage sales. Then, of course, we couldn't decide between some items in-store so we registered for multipe (so Kevin could go home and read consumer reports then decide) but they have since been deleted. We've registered for about 3 strollers so far, but now all but 1 has been deleted. It's a good feeling to get things finalized. Our next tasks will be:
1. Finding a crib set
2. Comparing the two registries to decide which items we like better at which stores (or which stores carry the same items for cheaper)
The bright side is, and like the title says, we're definitely one step closer to meeting our baby girl. That's the best feeling in the world. I'm just itching to find our next place so we can set up her nursery!
1. Finding a crib set
2. Comparing the two registries to decide which items we like better at which stores (or which stores carry the same items for cheaper)
The bright side is, and like the title says, we're definitely one step closer to meeting our baby girl. That's the best feeling in the world. I'm just itching to find our next place so we can set up her nursery!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Giddy for a girl!

It was almost automatic - so many people asked me, after I told them that we're expecting a girl, if we were happy. It was more like Ooh, how did Kevin take it? or Oh, are you disappointed? or Is that what you were hoping for? One person even bent over, stuck her tongue out and made a groaning sound...I guess she wanted me to have a boy. A few others even took it as far as to look at me with those pity eyes because perhaps, in passing, I'd mentioned something about it being fun if we had a boy. Let me just put this out there: Neither Kevin nor I cared if we had a boy or a girl. We believe we'd have what we were meant to have. A boy or a girl? It didn't matter. It was going to be our baby regardless. And, since we're new at this whole parenting thing, it's not like we had any experience with one or the other. If you have nothing to compare it to, it's easy to not have a strong opinion. Don't get me wrong...we were excited to find out but we weren't going to be disappointed with either outcome. And let me just tell you, it was such a blessing to walk out of our doctor's appointment hand-in-hand with big smiles on our faces. A little girl. Our little girl. How could you not be excited?
I understand why some may get disappointed - maybe they want one of each sex or they already have a girl so now they want a boy (or vice versa). Or perhaps they only plan to have one child and, if they
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Do I look like a magic lamp?
Since before ever becoming pregnant, I knew I would hate this aspect of pregnancy: random people touching me. Why do people insist on touching a pregnant belly? Do I look like Buddha? Do I look like a magic lamp that, if you rub my belly, a genie is going to pop out and grant you three wishes? It's just so bizarre. In no other situation would it be ok to walk up to someone you barely know and touch their stomach (or any other body part!). Boundaries, people. So...why now? My bulging mid-section is seriously becoming a magnet for wandering hands. Honestly, it makes me uncomfortable. Even if it's somebody I know, I have to brace myself. Grandmas? Yes, of course it's ok. They have an unwritten right. My husband? No question about it. Friends and other mothers (that I know)? Sure. Strangers in the supermarket? Oh hell no. Hasn't anyone ever warned you about stranger danger!? The least you could do is ask first. And this isn't a new development...I've always been like this.
Once, at a nail salon pre-pregnancy, I smacked my head on the manicure table when trying to reach for my purse. The salon tech reached out and rubbed the side of my cheek. Sure, she was trying to be nice and motherly but I almost flipped a biscuit! I was so in shock I couldn't really enjoy the rest of my manicure. All I could do was wonder how clean her hands really were and when I could wash my face.
So, naturally, the first time someone touched my growing pregnant belly was traumatic. I remember everything about that moment. It was July 28th, a Thursday. It was a dark and stormy, just joking. But it was a moment I'll always remember. I actually felt my right hand clench into a fist completely on it's own. I wasn't consciously willing it into formation. Of course I'm not going to haul-off and smack someone but something deep inside braced myself for just that. Maybe I'm a little sensitive but everybody has their pet peeves. This is one obstacle I'm going to have to face head-on for the next 4.5 months. Let's just's going to be a challenge. Kevinjokingly suggests I start wearing a shirt that says "Don't Touch" hahaha!
Once, at a nail salon pre-pregnancy, I smacked my head on the manicure table when trying to reach for my purse. The salon tech reached out and rubbed the side of my cheek. Sure, she was trying to be nice and motherly but I almost flipped a biscuit! I was so in shock I couldn't really enjoy the rest of my manicure. All I could do was wonder how clean her hands really were and when I could wash my face.
So, naturally, the first time someone touched my growing pregnant belly was traumatic. I remember everything about that moment. It was July 28th, a Thursday. It was a dark and stormy, just joking. But it was a moment I'll always remember. I actually felt my right hand clench into a fist completely on it's own. I wasn't consciously willing it into formation. Of course I'm not going to haul-off and smack someone but something deep inside braced myself for just that. Maybe I'm a little sensitive but everybody has their pet peeves. This is one obstacle I'm going to have to face head-on for the next 4.5 months. Let's just's going to be a challenge. Kevin
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Look who popped!
At 21 weeks today, I feel great. Only a couple of woes that I'm dealing with lately - the onset of occasional heartburn and extra oily skin! Also, I've been hungrier than normal. When I wake up in the morning, my stomach feels like it's been fasting for 40 days. I'll scarf down a bowl half-a-bowl of cereal before work (I get full really fast!). Considering I never used to even eat breakfast, now setting aside the time to feed myself and baby is a big change. Perhaps all the food is related to the fact that baby is approximately 3/4 of a pound now and the length of a carrot. She's growing like a weed, my girl. So much so that people at work have been noticing that I finally look pregnant. Last week? Nothing. Three days ago? Ehhh, nothing. Today? BAM! Pregnant. So far I've only had one semi-stranger touch my pregnant belly. Oh boy, do I have a story to post about that incident. Soon to come!
The novelty of referring to the baby as my girl, my daughter and calling her by name hasn't worn off yet. I love knowing. She's so fun to shop for! I can't wait to put her in little dresses and wrap her up in those adorable hooded towels after baths. She's got her mama hooked and she hasn't even made her grand appearance yet :)
Speaking of hooked, her papa has no chance. All Kevin talks about is his baby girl. His hands are constantly on my belly. He talks to her every chance he gets...says he wants her to recognize his voice when she's born! He calls her by name even more than I do. We even have her nickname that just sort-of happened! He analyzes what kind of stroller he wants to get for her, strategizes about what he really wants vs. what he really needs off the registry, he informs me of the kinds of clothes she will/won't be allowed to wear when she's a teenager, when she'll be allowed to drive and date, and all the things he's itching to teach her. He's going to be such a fantastic papa. I am excited to see that relationship blossom. I'm lucky to have a partner that is so involved and so genuine. She's one lucky girl.
The novelty of referring to the baby as my girl, my daughter and calling her by name hasn't worn off yet. I love knowing. She's so fun to shop for! I can't wait to put her in little dresses and wrap her up in those adorable hooded towels after baths. She's got her mama hooked and she hasn't even made her grand appearance yet :)
Speaking of hooked, her papa has no chance. All Kevin talks about is his baby girl. His hands are constantly on my belly. He talks to her every chance he gets...says he wants her to recognize his voice when she's born! He calls her by name even more than I do. We even have her nickname that just sort-of happened! He analyzes what kind of stroller he wants to get for her, strategizes about what he really wants vs. what he really needs off the registry, he informs me of the kinds of clothes she will/won't be allowed to wear when she's a teenager, when she'll be allowed to drive and date, and all the things he's itching to teach her. He's going to be such a fantastic papa. I am excited to see that relationship blossom. I'm lucky to have a partner that is so involved and so genuine. She's one lucky girl.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The name game.
As typical with human nature, we are always moving on to the next best thing. First it's have a baby! Then it's is it twins? Which turns it a girl or a boy? Now that we know (and everyone else knows) we're having a little girl, we're facing questions and anticipation regarding the baby's name. Truth is, we already know her first name. {The second name is still up for discussion...} It's just our little secret. Kevin and I have been testing it out to make sure it's a name we can live with for the rest of our lives. You know, trying to think of all the ways kids may tease her or rhyme her name. Lord knows I heard my share of Katie Bossy and Katie-Katie-Bo-Batie-Banana-Fana... Geez, and I'm sure kids these days are alot more cruel! Either way, it looks like the name game should be over soon. We've found a winner. It'll be kept under wraps a little longer. Not because we're worried about what people will think or are afraid to hear all their opinions/suggestions. Honestly, it doesn't matter to us. We just like being the only people to know. So few things in life are true secrets, like the gender of a baby. Now, Kevin and I just wanna soak in this moment on our own for a little bit. It's fun to have something so special just between us.
Monday, August 1, 2011
An unusual-but-perfect day.
Most people envision their anniversary filled with romance, flowers, mushy I love you forever cards, swanky hotels, and candlelit dinners with champagne a'flowing. Being 5 months pregnant on our 2nd anniversary, Kevin and I did things a little differently this year.
We didn't really have the desire to spend a lot of money nor could we really go out for drinks. Instead, we invested our day together registering for our growing little girl. It was fun, browsing up and down the aisles of baby wonderland (aka Babies R Us) with a list and registry scanner in hand, thinking and dreaming of all the things our little girl can't live without.
What about this blanket? Oh, it's so soft!
Is a stroller with blue on it okay for a girl?
Won't this just look adorable on her?
After 3 hours (yes, THREE HOURS), 2 foot breaks for a tired mama and 94 items selected (and we're not even done...yikes!), we traded in our scanner for a much-deserved lunch break at Arawan Thai (conveniently located right across the parking lot). After stuffing ourselves to the brim, I took a nap and Kevin just relaxed. We made dinner plans to go to Fuji's Sushi & Grill. It's one of those places where they cook in front of you. Cheap entertainment. Not expensive or fancy but oh-so-good. For Pregs, as Kevin so lovingly calls me, it really hit the spot. Follow that with a thick slice of Original Cherry Cheescake at The Cheesecake Factory and you've got me crushing all over again. Seriously, giddy.
We didn't exchange cards. He didn't get me flowers. I didn't get him some small gift. And somehow, it was the best anniversary of them all. We simply spent time together and enjoyed each other's company. That's the best gift anyone can ask for.
We didn't really have the desire to spend a lot of money nor could we really go out for drinks. Instead, we invested our day together registering for our growing little girl. It was fun, browsing up and down the aisles of baby wonderland (aka Babies R Us) with a list and registry scanner in hand, thinking and dreaming of all the things our little girl can't live without.
What about this blanket? Oh, it's so soft!
Is a stroller with blue on it okay for a girl?
Won't this just look adorable on her?
After 3 hours (yes, THREE HOURS), 2 foot breaks for a tired mama and 94 items selected (and we're not even done...yikes!), we traded in our scanner for a much-deserved lunch break at Arawan Thai (conveniently located right across the parking lot). After stuffing ourselves to the brim, I took a nap and Kevin just relaxed. We made dinner plans to go to Fuji's Sushi & Grill. It's one of those places where they cook in front of you. Cheap entertainment. Not expensive or fancy but oh-so-good. For Pregs, as Kevin so lovingly calls me, it really hit the spot. Follow that with a thick slice of Original Cherry Cheescake at The Cheesecake Factory and you've got me crushing all over again. Seriously, giddy.
We didn't exchange cards. He didn't get me flowers. I didn't get him some small gift. And somehow, it was the best anniversary of them all. We simply spent time together and enjoyed each other's company. That's the best gift anyone can ask for.
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