Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm growing a GIRL!!!

Yesterday was a big day. Ultrasound attempt #2, we called it. We not only got to see a very in-depth view of the baby we created, we learned that we are having a daughter. A little girl. All sugar, spice and everything nice. We couldn't be more thrilled to be having a girl. I see ribbons and bows, babydolls and Barbies in our future. But I also see soccer balls and mer-babes, gymnastics and swim lessons. Looks like this child is going to be multi-talented :)

The ultrasound was a lot more detailed than I anticipated. We got to see in all 4 chambers of her heart, her brain development, her fingers and toes, every vertebrae in her spine, her diaphragm, her kidneys, bladder and all 4 limbs. No club foot? Check! No extra fingers or toes? Check! The ultrasound tech also took measurements of her head, her body lenth, her spine, her brain, her femur, her humorous and other parts. She currently weighs 11 ounces and is approximately 10 inches long, right on track! It was neat to see our baby girl in such detail. She had fluid in her stomach and her bladder which means her kidneys are working correctly. She's swallowing and urinating as she should be at this stage. We took a close look at her upper lip and her nose to check for a cleft palate and down syndrome. No noticeable signs at this point in her development.

We couldn't see Dr. Johnson after the ultrasound, as she was with another patient (and we'd just seen her the day prior), but she did call later to confirm the good news! Said everything looked great in our ultrasound photos. That, combined with her strong 150 bpm heartbeat, means Baby Girl G's happy and healthy. What a blessing!!

We got a couple ultrasound photos to take home but most are very fuzzy. Plus, she was in a very awkward position during most of the appointment. Basically rolled up in a ball with her knees tucked under her chin or folded in half with her feet clear up over her eye sockets. She likes to sleep and doesn't want to be bothered with flipping over too often. She was very modest and didn't want to reveal her private parts. The ultrasound tech wasn't sure we'd be able to see her gender but she finally flipped at the very end of the hour appointment. Ahh, stubborn, sleepy and yawning constantly...definitely my child :) I will scan and post the photos as soon as I get at a scanner. Until then, just take my word for it...she's a cutie! :) Stubborn, but cute.

1 comment:

  1. so exciting Katie!!! So happy for you :) I can't wait to see the millions and millions of photos you'll be posting (right, right?!)
