Last night, while reliving our college days at McMenamins, I told Kevin how much I loved him. I told him that I am so thankful to have him in my life. How special he is to me. How he blesses me each day with the little tasks he does without being asked (and never expects anything in return). How much I appreciate his slow-to-anger and quick-to-forgive demeanor. I apologized if he ever feels like I take him for granted. Basically, I professed my undying love. I told him my vows over a burger and fries. And, it felt good. He's the best thing in my life. He is where my home is. Of course, he acted as if he was embarrassed at my words. Like he already knew what I was trying to say and didn't want me to say any more. But, I wanted him to hear it, to know exactly how I feel. Life is short and neither of us really know where it will take us. So, for right now, I want him to know what I wrote on his handkerchief for the wedding is more true today than ever:
I love you more today
than yesterday
and less than tomorrow.
Love your bride,
We definitely are the lucky ones.
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