The pink ones with the precious little cream bows? Yes, please! Any little girl of mine wouldn't be caught in anything else :)

And those irresistible magenta t-strap booties? Forgetaboutit! Talk about teaching 'em about lookin' good when they're young!

And let's not even forget about the "Baby Isaac" blue and grey stripes or the chocolate brown beauties. They make my heart melt (every.single.pair) and make me wish I could pop out a baby right this second to adorn with such fabulous knit baby shoes.

Why-oh-why must we be on a budget when I find precious gems such as these? Pleasantly Plump [knits], you are such a tease to this budgeting fashionista. PUH-lease still be around when I am in need of baby-foot bundling! :)
These are adorable!!!