They say that if you don't like where you are at in life, change it. Take one step everyday in the right direction.
Well, I want a baby. So my first step in getting there is to get healthy. My first step in getting healthy was to significantly cutback on soda and stockup on good fluids like water and teas. Done. Turns out, I do not even crave it as much as I used to. I have decided a good compromise is to drink it only on the weekend. That way, I get 5 solid days in each week of good fluids. Bye, bye dehydration!
My second step is to take my vitamins. So, the entire month of March I will be choking down 4 vitamins per day, including folic acid. Five, if I can convince myself to buy a bottle of chewable vitamin C's. I like them too much and will basically eat them like candy (only the small ones, not the horse pills). No good, my friends. No good. However, I digress....they say that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. March is 31 days so taking my vitamins should be a habit by then?? Yeah, we'll see. I know they are good for me but I just despise vitamins so. Perhaps because they are spendy for what you get? Anyway, on the bright side, I survived day 1 of step 2. Hopefully tomorrow will be the same :)
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