Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The search is on.

We are in search of a home. To be more honest, we are scratching and clawing to get out of our current dungeon apartment. We have a very strict budget on what we can afford to pay in rent plus a good list of requirements for our new home. It must allow pets under 30 lbs, must have a fenced backyard for Monster, must have a dishwasher and Washer/Dryer (or at least hookups) and must be two bedrooms. With a house, we still have to take into account how much all the extra utilities will cost, as nothing is generally covered with renting a home like they are with an apartment. Obviously, all of these requirements plus our conservative budget is making this process difficult.

We toured one home that was in a nice, secluded neighborhood nestled smack dab in the middle of a really bad area. It would have worked if I were a hooker on the side. I just don't really dream of going on a walk with my family after dinner and seeing streetwalkers on the road. Maybe I'm crazy? :) Plus, all the nearby bars would be gentleman's clubs. Not my idea of an ideal neighborhood.

Then, we visited what we thought was the perfect home in the perfect location near my work, but there was only one problem - you literally couldn't put more than one person in the kitchen. You couldn't even open the refrigerator door all the way - at about a 45 degree angle, the door would smash into the counter on the other side of the kitchen! I was still willing to work with it, but my chef husband didn't agree. So...we are now back at square one.

I wish our Home Sweet Home would just find us.

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