winston churchill once said that we need to "let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning." so that's what we're doing. kevin and i have been having a lot of discussions about each of our ideal plans in the next couple years. thankfully, and luckily, we are both on the same page. dreams that once were about travelling and obtaining fancy things (like new cars) have morphed into dreams of starting a family and owning a house.
even though we are still in the same financial situation, we are trying to be smarter with our money. we are on a big "let's save every penny" binge. i've even drifted into some areas i thought i never would - like making my own laundry soap! it's not that we're bad with our money - we're actually very good with it already but could stand to not eat out as much and we can make some switches from name-brand items to off-brand products. we've learned it's all about perspective and right now, our ideal plan is to get out of our apartment and into our own home. whether that means to rent another home or buy one (eventually), we want more of our own space. saving money is one of the best ways (if not the only way, besides winning the lottery) to get there.
we also both really want to start our family. we want to be young parents. plus, we've realized that if we wait until we have more money in the bank or until we travel to every continent, it may never happen. at what point will we say "okay, we have saved enough or travelled enough to settle down?" i'm not saying that we're going to have a baby tomorrow, but it's definitely in the back of our minds.
right now, we're going to take the rest of 2010 to save and revisit the idea of having children once december rolls around. ideally, we want a home before we have a baby, but an apartment will do just fine as well.
i'm happy we're married. and i'm happy we're on the same page. lastly, i'm happy we're making plans. i really only function properly when i have a goal in mind and a plan to get there. now all we have to do is wait :)
Your plan reminds me of a quote that I have hanging in my office.
ReplyDelete"If you are clear where you are going and you take several steps in that direction every day, you eventually have to get there. If I head north out of Santa Barbara and take five steps a day, eventually I have to end up in San Francisco. So decide what you want, write it down, review it constantly, and each day do something that moves you toward those goals."
Jack Canfield
Now if I could practice what I preach!
Love, Karen
We hear ya! Jeff and I are cutting back as well. We downgraded our cable and internet, have stopped going to Starbucks and eating out so much and very rarely these days do we go to the movies. It has helped to give me a little more piece of mind and not worry so much about our finances. And I agree 100% with what you said about waiting until the perfect time financially to have kids cuz there really is never a "perfect timing". Unexpected costs will always come up and there will always be something keeping you from taking that next step. But I think that's great that you guys are planning and on the same page because that is so important! Sounds like you're feeling a little bit better about where you are at in your life right now and are excited for the future:) I'm happy for you guys! And you always know that if you need a little baby fix in the mean time, you can always come wrestle with Sophia, or hold Peyton:0
ReplyDeleteP.S. I'm interested to learn how you make your own laundry detergent. Your like a little Martha Stewart, lol. Share the knowledge:)!