most of you probably know, we've been a one-income household since the beginning of this month. it's definitely been interesting, to say the least. i'm pretty nervous to see how this first entire month will go, including only collecting one paycheck. although i do find myself a little irritated when i have to get up early and he gets to sleep in, i quickly remind myself that he'd do the same for me. i am the luckiest wife. not only does he clean while i'm at work and take care of errands, small chores, laundry and our little monster...i come home each night to a home-cooked meal and a straightened-up house. i never have to do the dishes, the mail has already been picked up and we get to spend quality time together every night. when i get home, he's already started dinner, we cook together and dance around the kitchen. we eat, watch a movie or our favorite (re-runs of the office). we leave the dishes in the sink until the morning (he does them every morning after i go to work) and have the whole night to just snuggle and talk. some people would say since he's not technically "working", he's not contributing. however, i feel that he's pulling more than his own weight around our humble abode. and i love him for it. having him around more (now that he doesn't have such a ridiculous commute to and from work every day) has been so nice!
i've also been thinking of adjusting my schedule to work 9-80's. meaning, i'd work 9 hours a day for monday thru friday and 9 hours on the following monday thru wednesday, 8 hours on that last thursday and get every other friday off. basically, 80 hours in a row then get every other friday off. that way, i have two extra long weekends to spend with kevin while he's still at home. the beauty of this schedule is, i'll be able to only be away from kevin one extra hour a day then get 2 whole extra days off per month. it's not like i have to go home and cook, so it shouldn't be too bad :) it's all because i love spending time with him. i'll update you on my decision once i talk with my supervisor.
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