as you can see from my sloppy drawing made in paint, kevin and i have finally designed the look of our wedding cake. it took a while seeing as we had the hardest time finding a high quality purple ribbon in our lapis color. we finally found it at the joann superstore. in order to cover all our bases, we bought a few rolls in different widths to be sure we'd have more than enough for the cake. in case you don't really understand, the cake will be covered with white buttercream frosting. on top of the buttercream, our purple ribbons will be fastened to the cake in alternating widths cascading down our cake tiers. a few flowers will be added for a touch of our copper colors. now, if you know me, you probably know that i have always had a thing for birds. i was browsing etsy.com and came across these fabulous love bird cake toppers. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?ref=sr_gallery_7&listing_id=22634525&ga_search_query=bird+cake+topper&ga_search_type=tag_title&ga_page=&min=&max=&order= i just LOVE them! they are so fun and different! plus, you get to customize everything about them, right down to the flowers in the bride bird's bouquet to the color of the vest on the groom bird. thus, the top of the cake will be a birdsnest with a bride and groom bird, along with a sign that says "The Garvey's".
the design is a simple, three-tiered buttercream white cake. each layer is a different flavor. since kevin and i will be living in an apartment when we first get married, we figured why take up our entire freezer for a year with our wedding cake. so, we have decided not to save our top tier. we aren't really into cake anyway, so it's no big deal. now, back to the flavors...the top tier (that we will cut into) will be our favorite carrot cake with cream cheese filling. the middle tier will be white champagne cake with sherry bavarian cream filling. i had never had a champagne cake before this cake tasting and i immediately LOVED it! the biggest tier on the bottom will be chocolate fudge cake with oregon marionberry filling. all three flavors are to die for! hopefully there will be enough variety for everyone.
those little birds are DARLING! what a cute idea :)