Sometimes I get sad when I think we'll have to wait even longer to start our own family. Then, Sophia and Peyton
(and the fact that I can watch them whenever I want) popped into my head. I hear you, God. Loud and clear.
Leaving the theater Thursday night, I was pretty late for a work night and kept repeating "I'm so tired"
(obviously feeling sorry for myself). At the next stop light, I glanced over towards the sidewalk and was fixated on outlines of people under thin blankets sleeping on the street. I hear you, God. Loud and clear.
Friday morning on my drive to work, I was irritated at the fact that I was running late due to having to scrape ice off my windshield
(and wait for my car to warm up). Then, I glanced over to see a man waiting at the bus-stop, clearly freezing and wearing a mask to cover his face from the cold. I hear you, God. Loud and clear.
This morning, while I got ready for work and my husband remained motionless in our bed, I was jealous. Then, instantly, I remembered how badly that painfully adorable sleeping face is still
(patiently) awaiting his chance at a real, permanent full-time engineering job. I hear you, God. Loud and clear.