Saturday, February 20, 2010
Unexpected hope
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Family of 2....for now....
Sunday, February 14, 2010
PostSecret Sunday!

It reads: "This is the parking ticket I got the day I stopped our divorce. I love you!"
Simply said. Simply beautiful. Nice to hear a different side of divorce, especially today.
Check out
Operation: LOVE
Happy Valentine's Day! I woke up to this beautiful white rose arrangement and the sweetest card from Kevin. This is our first Valentine's Day as a married couple. I am practically giddy over the card that reads "To My WIFE on Valentine's Day!" As if that wasn't enough, he even spoiled me with a gift certificate to get a deluxe manicure and pedicure. I've been wanting one for quite some time! I hope we always stay as happy as we are today. This has been the best 6 months of my life. I love being married to him. He'll forever be my Valentine.
Thursday, February 11, 2010

I know I already look a million times smarter. It's inevitable. Right? I've already been called Tina Fey and a sexy librarian. Hmm, I guess I will take what I can get. :) I honestly didn't know how blind I actually was until I put on my brother's fiance Tracie's glasses. I realized that there IS such thing as fine print...and I COULD read a sign from across the room. Go figure!

Life is so much more appealing now that I can see what I'm looking at. I feel like a whole new woman. Plus, they are just another cute accessory to add to the pile. I love being a girl!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Pure Bliss with automatic doors
I made the mistake of inviting my husband to Target with me tonight. Every girl knows Target is not the place to stop in to pick up an item or two then jet out. If you just need one item, you stop into Safeway or maybe Fred Meyers, not Target. Target is the browsing shopper’s bliss. A place to find inspiration and things one doesn’t necessarily need, but somehow can’t live without. I had great plans to browse each department, with the exception of electronics and outdoor gear. I knew there were just so many things that I couldn’t live without, even though I had no clue what they were yet. Kevin had a very different plan. Before we even walked through the fabulous automatic doors, he was pressing for my list of needs: sandwich bags, paper plates, tortilla chips and vegetable oil. (Obviously, I could have gone to Safeway…but I was so excited about the potential in Target.) Considering I could count all the items on one hand, Kevin was determined to make this an in-and-out stop. At each turn, I tried to hold him back and browse through my favorite aisles…but my man was onto my schemes. We were parked, in and out, and driving away within 25 minutes. That deserves some sort of record or trophy. I barely even got to glance at the clearance clothes as we jetted toward the registers. He let me nowhere near the clearance baby racks and we breezed right passed the makeup and clothes. Men just don’t understand. Target is all about deals. Why was it Kevin’s goal to push me passed every potential purchase opportunity!?! He says because he didn’t have 3 hours to waste at Target. My belief is that he just came to make sure I didn’t walk out with anything that could be categorized as a “want” instead of a “need.” Ugh, men!
we're all just hampsters.
The following are the pressing topics on my much to tell...Girls Weekend Trip to Las Vegas, time with my most favorite niece, girls night out, the verdict on my new work schedule, Family photos/pregnancy photos of the Boss family, update on The Garvey's family life, becoming an Aunt TWICE, Monster, Kevin's birthday?, Sophia's upcoming 2nd birthday, Kevin's job hunt extravaganza, my new glasses!, our 6th month wedding anniversary, etc. MAN! I'm more behind that I thought I was. Am I forgetting anything? Did I ever even blog about Christmas and New Years? It seems like Christmas was just yesterday, but it's already February. I guess it's true...time flies when you're having fun.