even though kevin and i have been dating for almost 6 years, we are still learning a lot about each other. daily. here are a few insights...
1. kevin thinks that i use too much toilet paper. yeah, i guess i do
in his eyes considering i use it twice as much as he does. whatever.
2. it drives kevin crazy when i use the last of the toilet paper then don't replace the roll. yes, i can understand his frustration on that one.
3. one of my biggest pet peeves is when the toilet paper roll is put on the holder backwards. how hard is it to put it on so the hang-down part is coming out from the top of the roll instead of the bottom?
i guess as hard as it is for me to replace the roll. point taken :)
4. kevin likes to put all his keys, wallet, name tag, etc in the same basket right when you walk in the front door. i put mine wherever i set them down. i'm learning to put it in the damn basket.
5. kevin likes to reuse towels. i like to use them once then wash them. we're still working on this one...
6. we both realized that we cherish our alone time. he'll play his games, i'll play on the internet or read a book. we spend time together but also time alone. it's nice to have those breaks.
7. i use the meat scissors to cut things other than meat. i have to sneak it or kevin yells at me. well, geez, to me...scissors are scissors. period. to kevin, meat scissors are just that--used for meat.
8. one thing i learned about kevin that i really appreciate is that when he leaves in the morning, he always locks the door so nobody can come in while i'm still home.
9. another thing about kevin that i really love is that he always leaves our assigned parking spot open for me, even if he has to park far away. i'm always on his mind.
10. i've enjoyed playing house and kevin knows it. he tells me that he appreciates my decorating sense and the way i've turned our apartment into a home.
11. kevin always takes out the garbage. whether i have to ask him or not, we both know it's the man's job to take out the stinky garbage. understood by both parties. loved by me :)
12. we both hate to do laundry. if we ever won the lottery, we'd have each piece of laundry sent out daily. it piles up so high, our room likes like a bomb went off at times. next purchase, a dual laundry basket. atleast it will help to hide the chaos.
13. i like clean dishes and cups. kevin likes to re-use cups over and over before he uses them. gross. i guess it doesn't affect me directly but it's still weird.
14. we both like to switch sides of the bed frequently. it's nice to have the option and know that once i get sick of "his side" i can have mine back...or we can meet in the middle. king size beds are FAB.U.LOUS!
15. kevin follows behind me picking up half-drank soda cans. i always get irritated because he drinks half of my soda but he says it's because if he doesn't, they'll only be half-gone.
all in all, we're happy. and we're learning more about each other every day. and we're learning to compromise. that's the fun part, right?