Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Some of the Guests at the Shower
More pictures of the Bridal Shower
Family Bridal Shower
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
New Video!
Monday, May 11, 2009
insignificant update...
this weekend is my family bridal shower. i can't wait! kevin's mom is coming into town. i made us an appointment to go see the Fairgate Inn. hopefully they'll have enough time open to show it to us. it'd definitely be nice if Karen can see where her son is getting married before the day of the wedding!
an exciting note...i got my veil today! i ordered it off the internet and it arrived in the mail today. it is simple and beautiful. plus, it didn't cost a fortune. i can't wait to wear it on my big day! :)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
our toasting glasses
the photos hardly do them justice. the engraving is filled with gorgeous pearlized-silver ink and the stems are filled with baby "pearls" stacked one on top of the other. they are gorgeous. we are very excited to use them on our big day!
setting the table
kevin and i took a stroll through cost plus world market this weekend and fell in love with Porto dinnerware. yes, we fell in love with a set of dishes! :) we registered for all white at macy's because we haven't been able to find any prints that we A. both liked and B. thought they didn't look cheap. they are so FABULOUS! CLICK HERE TO SEE THEM IN ALL THEIR GLORY.
i can't believe i'm getting excited over dishes. i guess now that i'm scheduled to become a wifey, i should get thrilled over dish towels, new soap to make them sparkle like new and fun dishes, right!?! now...if only i knew how to cook...
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009
Kevin's Ring

Kevin and I went shopping for his wedding ring on Sunday. He has had his eye on the same one for quite some time now but had never committed until Sunday. We went back..."just to look"...but Kevin realized it was the one he wanted. The final choice was between the tungsten and carbon fiber ring (which he ultimately decided upon) and a classic all metal titanium dark grey band. Both of the rings were beautiful. The titanium was traditional and timeless whereas the tungsten is modern and for a younger generation. It has a nice carbon fiber detail down the center, adding a bit of texture. The two tone pushes it into the more contemporary realm of men's rings. I like that it's just a bit funky, like my ring. Kevin has taken it out of the box a few times to "practice" wearing it. Call me traditional, but I don't want him to start wearing it officially until the wedding day. It's weird to see a ring on his finger but it's nice to know that I put it there :) He's so handsome and a wedding ring only adds to his charm. Yes, ladies, he is officially off the market. LUCKY ME!